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"I'll be back soon!"

As soon as those words left Taehyungs mouth Jungkook stuck his head out from the kitchen door.

"Where you going?"

"To hang out with Hobi."

Jungkook nodded.


Taehyung smiled catching on to what Jungkook was saying.

"I like you not him. I'm yours not his. I'm sure nothing will happen."

Jungkook smiled.


"I wish I wish with all my heart to fly with dragons in a land o-"


"What the fuck was that?"

Hoseok shrugged.

"That was my dragon impression."

Taehyung shook his head.

"Oh Tae look at that!"

Taehyung looked at where Hoseok was pointing and instantly turned red.

"God Hoseok why would you show me that."

"Cause it's funny! Now let's go in!"

Taehyung was dragged into the small shop.

"Hoseok we both know I'm kinky but you also know I've never liked being in these types of places."

Taehyung looked around at all the kinky things on the shops walls. Hoseok just patted his back.

"And you know I love these types of places."

Taehyung just followed Hoseok as he browsed through everything. Suddenly Hoseok turned around and put something against Taehyungs eyes.

"How does it feel."

"It's soft."


Taehyung looked at Hoseok.

"Who's it for?"

Hoseok blushed and looked away.

"Some people I met."


"God Taehyung you make me say everything. It's a fucking threesome."

Taehyungs eyes widened.

"Oh... fun."


"Guess what!"

Jungkook looked at Taehyung who had come back with a couple of bags.


"They are working on fixing my house!"


Jungkook looked at Taehyung and then the bags ignoring the sad feeling creeping up on him.

"What's in the bag?"

Taehyung smiled.

"Fun stuff."

So I was sitting next to my sister when I hear...' I wish I could just rape my virtual friend so I could just get it over with!!! '

I'm concerned.

(She's playing virtual families2)

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