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"Jin don't do it."

Taehyung yelled in a 'hushed' tone at Jin who just happened to be stomping over to Jungkooks house.

"Watch me do it bitch!"

Jin knocked in the door and it opened.

"Hello, I'm Jin and wow you're very handsome but what the fuck are you doing to my innocent baby!"

Jungkook looked confused and startled.

"Innocent baby?"

Jin moved and pointed at a blushing Taehyung who gave a shy wave. Jungkook blinked before burying out laughing causing Jin to frown.

"Innocent! That's a good one!"

Jin turned around.

"Come here Tae baby!"

Taehyung quickly made his way over.

"Tell this Handsome man that he needs to be nice to me."

Taehyung sighed and looked at Jungkook and then his open door.

He quickly pushed Jungkook inside and shut the door behind him. He ignored Jin from the outside.

"I'm so fucking sorry he found out about that time with Hoseok and when you dragged me aw-"

Taehyung was surprised when Jungkook just suddenly kissed him out of nowhere. Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkooks neck and kissed back.

When they finally pulled away Jungkook nodded.

"It's fine as long as I he to keep kissing you like that."

"If you kept kissing me like that I wouldn't mind at all."

They both smiled at each other before Taehyung opened the door again.

"He agreed to be nice and even mow my lawn!"


"Good I'll make sure he does it!"



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