Part 5 an old mans favor

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I don't own anything

The cave

Kid: He's insane! We should be going after him so why are we sitting around doing nothing!

Aqualad:Because, he would easily take each one of us down with ease. Whoever he is he was powerful enough to take down bane, sportsmaster and kobra. We should not start and assault on him immediately when he has home field advantage.

Connor: I don't think he's insane.

This caught everyone by surprise seeing Connor talk like this.

Kid: What are you talking about of course he is!  He murdered people in cold blood!

Connor: Yeah but I read a little bit about it.

This caused everyone to be in shock

Connor: Oh don't give me that I can do my own research. Anyway turns out the only reason he shredded those guys was because they where killing homeless people for "fun". The hostages say that he saved them from and explosive and took out the rest of the gang.

Robin: So your saying he's trying to be a good guy like us.

???: Not exactly

Everyone turned over to see batman

Batman: I was doing some research of what he is and I founding through zatara that he's something called a hellspawn.

Kid: A h-h-hellspawn you mean like he's from-

Batman: Yes he's from hell apparently his kind are only suppose to follow instinct and spread chaos through the world zatara puts it this one is different.

Aqualad: How so?

Batman: He's been trained, hellspawn last when first created usually have no idea how to use their full powers. But as you can see someone's trained this one how to telelport, use fire magic and create anything with his cape. Meaning he was trained how to use these powers and well.

Robin: What else is their?

Batman: Hellspawns usually have no sense of right or wrong whatsoever. But as we all know this spawn has some sort of sense of right and wrong. He stopped drug dealings in New York took down multiple gang members and has helped us arrest some pretty high class criminals. Not to mention assisted this team in the fight with amazo.

Aqualad: So do you think he can be negotiated with.

Batman: I don't know zatara says he might be able to find the man training him. From that point on we can talk to him and possibly get him to stop the killings and possible even make him an ally.

As batman leaves to the computer Wally talks to his team.

Kid: Didn't expect batman to actually want to talk to this spawn.

Robin: Wally batman cares about some of these criminals and he has hope that some can change. I think he believes that this spawn might be able to be better than what he is right now.

Connor: Talk about having hope for humanity.

Kid: I guess he really does have nice side to him after all.

Magnuses house

Spawn: So old man what's next.

Magnus: Actually I need you to do something for me?

Spawn: And what would that be?

Magnus: I have a friend named Kent Nelson. He lives in the tower of fate.

Spawn thinks about and says

Spawn: Alright old man I'll do this since you've helped me so much recently with the training and stuff.

Magnus: Excellent

Magnus then creates a portal leading to the tower of fate.

Magnus: After this promise to repay you.

Spawn: Alright old man let's get this over with.

Spawn then leaps through the portal only to see to fall on the stairs in front on the young justice team.

Artemis: Hey is that?

Conner: yup

Kid: Holy crap he's here.

Spawn looks up to see all the teens looking at him.

Spawn: well this is just gonna be one hell of a time.

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