Part 6 a magical evening

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I don't own anything

Trevor's pov

I was currently waking up the stairs with the junior justice league hoping for silence as we walked.Sadly I never got it.

Kid: So wait are you a good guy or bad guy? And how are you a hellspawn? I mean their is no way you could really be one it's gotta be a human under the mask!

The green lady that went by Megan started to see my frustration.

Megan: hey Wally maybe we shouldn't ask so many questions?

Aqualad: Agrees if he doesn't want to speak then we shouldn't force him.

Kid: Oh common guys! He's obviously a hoax! Batman just wants to scare us so we don't go after him!

I gripped me fist in agitation. I swear to god when this is all over I'm going to hang this kid by his entrails.

Artemis: Wally shut up!

Wally: Really new girl? Are you really so scared of the big bad-

That's is! I grab kid flash by the chest and pull him towards me. I rip off my mask to reveal nothing but a decomposed skull.

Me: Alright brat you tell me if I'm fucking faking!! Tell me to my rotting face!!

Kid: Your not faking your not faking!!!

Me: Good now do me and the rest of your team a favor and shut the hell up!

Kid looked scared as hell and I threw him on the ground as my mask regenerated.

Artemis: Well kid was he real enough for yeah?

Kid: Yeah definitely.

Aqualad: I apologize for my friends ignorance. He is not used to believing in magical entities.

Me: Just keep his damn mouth shut for the rest of this trip and we'll get along great.

Aqualad: Understood right Wally?

Wally simply just nodded

As we started to reach the top of the the tower some rhino/man teleported out of nowhere and charged at me. I teleported right behind kicking him in the face but then tiger man and slashes my face.

Me: Damnit the hell?!

Rhino/man: We where sent by our mistress to retrieve you hellspawn.

Tiger/man: Now come quietly or face our wrath!

I get up and simply crack my neck

Me: Alright! All of you get to the top and help out Kent! I'll deal with the litter box and his playmate.

Aqualad: I'll provide support if that is fine with you.

Me: just don't get yourself killed.

The others head up as me and aqualad get ready to fight.

The rhino comes charging at me but my chains wrap around it's horn and tosses him out of my way. The tiger comes at me but aqualad smacks him away using his water maces.

The rhino tries to throwing punches at me but I dodge and punch him in the chest breaking a rib. I then pick him up by his horn and yell.

Me: Hey gills batter up!

I throw the rhino man at aqualad. Kaldur then using his maces smacks the rhino out of view leaving only the tiger. He tried to attack aqualad from behind but I teleport in front of him and uppercut him and use my chains to yank him down to the ground. He gets back up but aqualad kicks him in the back and I grab him by the throat.

Me: Alright fur ball your gonna tell me who sent you or I swear no god alive is gonna be able to fix what I do to you!!

Tiger: M-M-Mistress Circe

Me: Never heard of her.

I then headbutt him knocking him out. I don't need to kill him in front of the kid. It wouldn't have been right.

Me: Gills you know a Circe?

Aqualad: She believes herself to be a goddess. She is one of wonder woman's most powerful villains.

Me: Fantastic!

After that we head towards the top where it turns out kid had defeated fate but the question remained.

Me: Where's Kent?

Wally: He's gone....inside the helmet of nabu.

Me: (sigh) damnit well this is gonna be a pain in the ass to explain to the old man.

Artemis: What makes you think your going anywhere? Your surrounded!

Me: Yeah let's we if you cat-

All of a sudden I feel an extreme force of pain inside head. I fall to the floor in pain where the Martian girl Megan also seem to be in pain.

Megan's pov (a couple seconds ago)

He was about to leave so thinking I might get the upper hand on him I use my telekinesis on him hoping to enter his mind to keep him from moving.

But when I got in his mind I saw....everything from his point of view. I felt his pain, his agony, his sorrow, and before I knew we we both passed out from the trauma.

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