Part 36 the tale of huntress

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I don't own anything

Artemis apartment

Artemis was currently cleaning her apartment she shared with her mom. Dusting off all their stuff she came to the brief case that held all her mothers huntress gear.

Artemis: huh, I've never really looked at moms huntress equipment. There might be something here that can help me in the field.

Opening the brief case she finds her mothers costume along with a few of her old crossbow designs. Artemis looks at the costume holding the masking of it.

Artemis: looks like it has night vision, helpful when doing night missions.

As Artemis looked more in depth of the mask a picture falls out of it. Artemis picks it up off the floor, looking she recognizes the three people in the photo, on the left her mother stood in her huntress attire holding her crossbow.

On the right side of the photo her father sportsmaster in his iconic costume. But what was shocking was the person in the middle. The man in blue holding the group together was no doubt Bi hann aka sub zero. The question was though had her mom and dad no who Bi hann was?

Taking the picture Artemis headed towards the living room where her mother was watching Tv.

Artemis: Hey mom?

Helena: Yes?

Artemis: Do you know a man by the man of Bi hann?

Helena's flickered for a moment as she recognized the name.

Helena: The name is familiar, why do you ask Artemis?

Artemis: Last mission we were sent to Themyscria where we had a guy named Bi hann or as he called himself sub zero on our team. He said he slaughtered half of the league of shadows I was just wondering if you or dad knew him or at least what kind of person he was.

Helena sighed

Helena: Bi hann was a good friend of mine, back when I was in the shadows we fought together as a team along side your father. We were powerful and probably one of the best teams to come from the shadows. But Bi hann became suspicious of ra's actions and started having doubts about the league of shadows and ra's was become more and more suspicious of Bi hann.

Helena gave a faint hint of a smile as she continued

Helena: then the day came where he had to choose between duty and friends. While I was in the hospital for my.......injury-

Helena gripped her leg as Artemis held her hand

Helena: I was a loose end to ra's, I knew many of the leagues secrets so ra's sent an order to have me killed. One of the assassins where Bi hann.

Artemis: He chose to save you.

Helena: He did and in killing the assassins sent for me he was excommunicated from the league of shadows and hunted.

Artemis snickered

Artemis: Well seeing as he wiped out half of them I can only guess the shadows made an error in judgement.

Helena: The two of them have fought for what feels like ages eventually I'm actually glad that you have heard some news about him Artemis, I was afraid that they had killed him I hadn't heard any news about him in so long I'm glad that he was able to survive the shadows.

Artemis: Did you know that he was a male Amazon?

Helena: Not until later, we became "close" after your father had left me but then ra's put out the hit on my life and Bi hann knew he couldn't stick around for my safety.

Artemis: So you two were pretty close then?

Helena chuckled

Helena: absolutely while we were on the battlefield we were unstoppable. It didn't even feel like fighting it felt more like a dance. But more than that he was a good man just burdened with a lot of pain.

Artemis remembered the fate that befell Bi Hanns people grimacing

Artemis: maybe it would be best if you spoke to him again?

Helena: Artemis, he's a good man but he must have his own responsibilities and-

Artemis: No way mom I know he can spare a few minutes to talk to you. Besides it might be good for you two too reconnect after all you're suppose to be good friends aren't you?

As Artemis began to walk away Helena couldn't help but see Bi hann in her place. Once Artemis was out of ear shot range Helena simply smiled  saying

Helena: Like father, like daughter.

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