Part 18 bickering among friends

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I don't own anything

Spawns POV

We where currently in the ship, nobody was saying a word making it extremely awkward for both me and raven. When we touched down Kaldur spoke.

Kaldur: Alright here's the pl-

Kid: Oh wait where still taking orders from you?

Kaldur: Of course I wouldn't you be-

Robin: Probably because you stabbed us all in the back Kaldur.

Spawn: Really? Where starting this shit again?

Robin: Wait! You know what Spawns got a point, we don't need to explain this again kid let's do this on our own!

Kid: Right behind you.

Spawn: Dumbass that's not what I meant!

But they where already gone

Spawn: Well screw those jackasses! Everyone else-

I then noticed that everyone else was gone except Kaldur and Raven.

Spawn: Those little bastards!!

Kaldur: I believe they just need to cool off, hopefully they will return contact to us.

Spawn: Yeah meanwhile we have to do the entire mission by ourselves, oh what fun this will be.

Raven: Wow and I thought I was the sarcastic one.

A vain then appeared on spawns forehead and raven decided not to press the matter any further.

Raven: So where do you think this crazy gorilla is at?

Spawn: He's probably hiding and trying to catch us off guard-

Just as Spawn said that an object from the sky fell down landed on the ground close to the two heroes.

Raven: Or maybe we should see what fell out of the sky?

Spawn: I swear the universe is a bastard to me.

Raven and Spawn then make their way to the object him. Only to find what seemed to be a pod.

Spawn: The hell is this?

Raven: Knowing your luck it's probably satan himself.

Spawn: (sigh) please for the love of god don't blow me up.

He then pressed the red button on the pod to reveal a hologram of Doctor Samual Hayden.

Samual: Greetings hellspawn and Trigon spawn.

Spawn: What the hell is going on here?!

Samual: I see your still as rude as ever Mr Lang no matter. It seems that you have found the item that my ex partner needs.

Spawn: I don't see it! What is the fucking item?!

Samual: Look to your left hellspawn

Trevor looks to the left only to see Raven

Trevor:So what? Raven has this magical item?!

Raven: no spawn,(sigh) he means that I am the item his partner needs.

Samual: Correct, Raven is the bridge between our world and Trigons portion of hell. If my ex partner where to get her hands on her, well he would be able to open that bridge at the cost of ravens life.

Spawn: Their is no way in hell Im going to let that happen!!

Samual: That is why I am here to help you.

The pod then opens to reveal another orb filled with energy.

Samual: You need to make sure she is safe or else all hell will break loose. One of my ex partners creations is here to try and take Raven so take the energy. Your going to need it.

Samuel's hologram then disappeared

Spawn then takes the orb and crushed it feeling the new energy surge through him. He then sees his new ability that allows to shoot lightning from his finger tips.

Spawn: I know what it's like to be a sith lord. Wait where is this creation anyway?

Just then a massive laser shot out and spawn ducked.

When spawn looked up he saw a demon with cybernetic enhancements.

Cyber demon: Raaaaawwwwwrrr!!!!

Spawn: Awwww shit

The cyber demon tried to tackle spawn but spawn had just faded into the shadows. Surprising the beast he opens fire with his machine guns but the bullets just bounce off.

The demon ran at spawn. Raven tried to create a shadow wall but the creature blew right past it knocking them both down. The demon grabbed spawn and bit down on his neck trying to devour him.

Spawn screamed in agony , in desperation he used his thumb and gouged out the beasts eye. The beast let him go but only to hit him with another laser blast from it's arm.

Spawn used his chains to attack but the monster ripped them apart and smashed spawn into the ground with its arm. Then it begins to beat spawn over and over again.

Spawn fires a large amount of lighting from his finger in pure desperation but the cyber demon crushed his arms with its feet.

Spawn moans in pain as the creature begins to aim its laser at spawn to finish him off when raven throws the entire cliff side at the creature . She then blasts it with her powers shouting. As her four eyes begin to show.

Raven: YOU HURT HIM!!!

She buries the creature in rocks and trees. Using her powers she destroys the entire train burying the creature underneath the large amount of earth.

Raven:(huff)(huff) and stay down.

Raven then rushed towards spawn picking him up she noticed that his wounds weren't healing. Fearing the worst she used her magic stabilize him crying as she tries to focus her magic into healing him.

Raven: Please don't die! Please don't die! Please I need you!!

With all he commotion going on the team finally made their way towards the action.

Artemis: What the hell is going on- OH MY GOD TREVOS DOWN!!

The rest of the team then sees the bloody mess that Spawn is in and rush towards his aid.

Miss Martian: Hold on I'm contacting the ship just hold on!!

The ship then arrives and the team gets spawn inside as safe as they can with raven still holding onto him crying praying that he will leave from this.

Unknown to the others as they left inside the ship the ground shook as a claw can be seen ripping through the ground.0

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