Part 19 making up

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I don't own anything

Magnus was currently checking up on starfire making sure her wounds where healing up properly. After He was done he grabbed the tv remote so he could finally relax and watch American Pickers. But just as he got to the show is phone rang.

Magnus: son of a whore! I swear to god if it's one of those damn telemarketers again I will wipe each and everyone of them of the face of the earth!

Magnus picked up the phone only to hear ravens voice.

Raven: Magnus help!! Spawn is heavily damaged and he's not regenerating!! I've done I'll I can but I don't know how to heal an undead!!

Magnus: Alright calm down raven. Where are you guys at.

Raven: Where currently at mount justice where trying to use modern medicine but nothing is working.

Magnus: Of course it isn't idiots he's a hellspawn!

Raven: Just shut up and get over here Magnus!

Magnus: Alright Jesus Christ I'm coming!

Raven: Hurry!

She then hangs up

Magnus: I swear kids these days. They think us old people can help them with everything at the drop of hat.

Magnus then teleports to mount justice.

Mount justice

Artemis: Well what did he say?!

Raven: He said he'll be here as fast as he can!!

computers start to fry as raven lose more and more of her emotional control.

Aqualad: Raven you need to calm down or you could have all of mount justice cave in on us!

Raven: Calm down!! Calm down!!

The mountain starts to shake violently

Raven: This all your guys fault!! While you where bickering of your team me and Spawn where nearly killed by a cyber demon!! Where the hell where you guys when we needed you!! What the hell where you do-

Raven is then knocked out by Magnus hitting her upside the head with his staff.

Magnus: Oh she is going to be pissed when she find out I did that.

Superboy: Why did you do that!

Magnus pointed up as multiple cracks in the ceiling can be seen.

Kid: Oh

Magnus: Yeah, anyway where is spawn at?

Artemis pointed at the couch where spawn was being held by Megan as she was trying her best to clean his wounds.

Magnus: Alright kids I'll take it from here.

Magnus then says a special incantation and massive black coffin appears. Magnus then opens the lid saying

Magnus: Put him in.

Superboy and aqualad gently place spawn inside the coffin and Magnus closes the lid.

Superboy: What is that thing.

Magnus: It is a necroffin. They are used for undead to heal their wounds. Normally only vampires use these but they have been shown to heal other undead.

Kid: V-Vampires?!

Magnus: Yes shaggy vampires. Seriously, I swear you kids act like the only threat to earth is aliens and super villains.

Aqualad: So how long will he be out of commission?

Magnus: About three days judging from his wounds but that's not what I would be concerning myself with.

Robin: What should we be concerning our selves with?

Magnus: Your little leader problem right now! Get your shit together before someone does it for you!

Magnus then teleports away leaving the team to their thoughts.

29 minutes later after Magnus has left.

Megan: their right.

Everyone stares at megan

Megan: We let both Spawn and raven down. We where fighting with each other so much that we forgot to care of our own teammates.

They all bow their heads in shame

Aqualad: I should have gone with them, to make sure that they where okay!

Superboy: We all should have put our emotions aside and helped each other out.

Kid: Hey does nobody remember a few hours ago where Kaldur said he knew that their was a mole on the team and decided not to tell us!!

Artemis: Oh let it go Wally!!

Kid: Let it go? Are you serious? We nearly died!!

Robin: Yes and now Trevor is on the verge of death again because we simply refused to work as a team!!

After a few minutes passed Megan spoke up.

Megan: Why did you keep that information to yourself Kaldur?

Aqualad:(sigh) I got the information back in Santa Prisca. It was Sportsmaster that gave me the information.

Artemis: You can't trust him!

Aqualad: I did not. That is why I kept the information secret, because I figured he was trying to tear the team apart.

Another few moments of silence passed before Artemis realized something

Artemis: That was what spawn was trying to tell us the whole time. That aqualad was just trying to protect the team from destroying itself.

Everyone realized what Artemis said was true. While they bickered amongst each other spawn was the only one to see what was really going on and was doing his best to try and resolve the conflict.

Megan: alright I think spawn was right. Kaldur was only keeping the info to himself to protect the team. All in favor of agreeing and ready to move on raise your hand.

And just like that every member of the team raised their hands in agreement.

Meanwhile on Themiscrya

Diana: Are you ready sister?

???: Yes I'am ready to see the world of man Diana and more importantly redeem myself for what I have done in the past.

Diana then places her hand on her sisters shoulder

Diana: Then let us go to mans world, Donna 

Young justice HellspawnOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz