Part 15 the tornado reunion

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I don't own anything

After the complete destruction of my kitchen Megan finally had us buy takeout she apologized for shouting at Raven and Raven did the same. After she left I decided to take it easy for a while and I took Raven to the movies. We watched Bourne legacy, it was a pretty good movie. Raven enjoyed the plot while I enjoyed the action. After the movie we went home. Raven went to bed but I thought it was kind of odd that nobody has texted me in a while.

Usually Wally would say something stupid or Megan would send me one of those weird ass emojis. But it's been silent of a while, yeah I'm gonna check up on the idiots.

Before I leave however Raven stops me in my tracks.

Raven:Sooo where do you think your going.

Trevor: Well none of my teammates have texted me back in a while soooo I think that theirs something going on I should know about.

Raven: I see well then you should probably check up on them you sure you don't need help?

Trevor: Nah in good catch you later Rae!

Raven:Please don't call me that.

Trevor: Too late!

And with that Trevor teleports to mount justice.

Trevor's pov

Well I don't know what should have expected but I didn't expect to see Kaldur and Megan in a fire cage,kid and superboy glued to the ground and robin was knocked out along with Artemis.

Just as I was wondering what the hell was going on here two red robots come and attack me. They looked similar too red tornado so I was wondering if they where related or something. I get up from the last attack and yell.

Trevor: So who the hell are you assholes?!

They androids say nothing and go straight for spawn. The female one sends flames towards spawn but is easily canceled out by spawns magic. The male one however gets the stealth advantage and hits spawn with a spiral of water in the back.

They go back and forth as spawn continuously tries to fight them off but always ending in a standstill.while they continued to fight Raven teleports into the cave and hides from the robots until she notices the young justice team.

Kid: Guys who's the hot goth chick?

Superboy: I don't know her

Kaldur: Me neither.

Raven: I'm Raven and I'm spawns roommate.

Kid: Lucky bastard!

Raven: Anyway! I'm going to see if I can get you guys free.

Kaldur: roommate? So you and spawn live in the same house.

Raven: Apartment and yeah along with Mac.

Superboy: Mac?

Raven: I'll talk more about him when I'm done freeing you guys now......Azarath Metrion Zinthos!!!

And right after she says the words black magic engulfs the flames putting them out as well as teleporting kid and Superboy out if the rocks.

Kid: So your not just hot your dangerous man why does spawn get the really hot girl!

Raven: Where not dating!

Kid: So your single......

Raven: Just get your yellow little ass moving before I decide to throw you at the androids myself!

Kid then runs like hell and Superboy cracks a smile while holding Megan.

Superboy: I think I'm starting to like you already.

Spawn was currently firing missiles at the androids but the water cancels them out as the fire tries to attack from behind. But spawn blocks it throwing the robot into the female one.

All of a sudden a yellow blur appears and hits the male one throwing too the ground.

Kid: Hey spawn! Remember that badass combo we where working on!

Spawn: Yeah why?

Kid: Come on man let's give it a try!!

Spawn: Alright just don't get yourself killed dumbass.

Spawn then merges with kids shadow and as the female android grabs kid spawn uses his chains to hold the android down while kid goes in throwing down multiple combos on the machine. Kid then gets out of the way as spawn opens fire on the machine damaging in finally taking it offline.

Spawn then teleports behind the male android and holds him in place with his chains as kid runs around the cave gaining maximum speed landing a massive body hit to the machine causing the robot to fling up in the air as spawn uses his chains and smashes the android into the ground taking it down as well.

Kid: Now that.......was awesome!!!

Spawn: Damn right it is!

After a while robin gets the zeta tubes working again.then red tornado finally enters the mountain

Red tornado: Its good to see the threat was taking care of. I feared when they hacked into the teleportation grid that they where planning on destroying along with all of you. Luckily it seems your skills where sufficient for the job.

Spawn: Alright tin can you gotta start explaining your family tree right now because dealing with your psycho sibling was a real pain in the ass!

Red tornado: Siblings? I was not aware that I had family?

Red tornado touches one of them then a spark goes off. Tornado then attacks the group as they where too weak from the previous attack including spawn they went down easily. But right as tornado is about to leave spawn grabs him by the foot.

Spawn: We trusted you asshole.

Tornado looks at him for a second then stomps on spawns face knocking him out.

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