Part 23 back in the game

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I don't own anything

Trevor looks at the robot with the missing arm. He then turned to raven as he saw her beaten and bruised. He gained a look of anger as he gazed at the machine.

Spawn: Did you do this rust bucket?

Smoke: Yes for it is my goal-

Smoke wasn't able to finish that sentence as Spawns chains ripped right through smokes legs. The chains then wrapped themselves around smokes neck bring him inches away from Spawns face.

Spawn: I don't give a shit about your objective, you've just hurt someone that I truly care for. And for that you must pay the price.

Spawn then shoved his arm into smoke and rips him in half. Smokes body parts scatter as his head fell to the floor.

Smoke: Error,error,err-

Spawn then stomps on the head crushing the last portion of smoke. Spawn then turns to raven.

Spawn: Raven are you okay? Do you need medical attention?

Raven: I'm....fine......just need to.....heal for a the......others.

Spawn: Alright just don't die on me okay!

Raven:Heh....funny....I was that.

Spawn picks raven up and gently puts her in a corner away from all the action so she can heal herself. Spawn then turns heads towards the hangar.

Donna and Artemis were battling cyrax to a standstill. Cyrax was using his bombs to create a distraction. Then he casts a net from his chest
imprisoning Donna inside the net. Artemis goes to free her but she is intercepted by cyraxs teleportation.  Kicking Artemis in the stomach cyrax then knees her in the face. As Artemis stumbles and falls to the ground cyrax turns his arm into a buzz saw and gets ready to kill Artemis.

Cyrax swings his arm down but out of nowhere lighting blasts him into a wall. As cyrax tries to get up he is blown away by an onslaught of fire and lighting. Burned and electrocuted cryrax tried to find where the attack came from only to be grabbed by the throat by Spawns hand.

Spawn holds him up saying.

Spawn: Would you like to know where you fucked up?

Cyrax gets his buzz saw and attacks Spawn but nothing happens as spawn feels none of the pain and grabs the machines arm and rips it clean off its body.

Spawn: One, you came into my home uninvited.

Spawn then throws him into a wall leaving a massive crack behind the robot.

Spawn: Two, you destroy everything in my home for no real good fucking reason.

Cyrax jumps at him but spawn uses the shadows to disappear and reappear behind cyrax then blasting him with a rocket launcher from his cape. Spawn then slowly walks over to cyrax picking him up.

Spawn: Three, and this is the important one tin man, you hurt my family.

Spawn then shoved his arm into cyraxs chest and then started burning cyrax from the inside killing him. Spawn then drops the remains of cyrax

Spawn: And that's why you don't fuck with my family.

Donna looked at Spawn with fear in her eyes. She had heard legends of hellspawns brutality but to see it up close for herself was purely sickening.

Spawn walked towards Artemis to help her up. Before he was knocked spawn had obtained the ability to smell others sins. So as he got close he felt the sins of the girl that was close to Artemis and her stench was horrible. Spawn didn't know what sins she had committed but whatever they were they surpassed almost super villain spawn has encountered.

Spawn cut the net the woman was in and then began to help Artemis up. Spawn then looks at Donna.

Spawn: Who are you?

Donna: I am Donna Troy of Themyscria.

Spawn: From Themyscria huh? Just like Wonder Woman?

Donna: She is my sister.

Spawn: Really? Well then nice to meet you.

Spawn then gives Donna Artemis and heads towards sub zero mentally reminding himself to talk to gills about the new girl.

Sub zero and sector continue to battle as one hit the other with blasts from their own element.

Sector turned his arm into a flaming sword and the using his other hand blew fire across the terrain. Then he sees sub zero unguarded and stabs him through the chest with his flaming sword.

Once impaling sub zero he laughs in victory only to stop when he realized it was an ice clone. He is then slashed across the chest. He coughs oil and gas as sub zero punches his three times in the gut and then freezes sector and round house kicks him in the head.

Sub zero: You always relied on your gadgets too much sector.

Sector: Maybe, but you where never the most cunning sub zero.

In a last ditch effort sector uses a flash bang and teleports out of mount justice as sub zero rubbed his eyes.

Sub zero: Damn you sector!

When sub zero could got over the temporary blindness he had seen that sector had escaped.

Sub zero: Next time sector, next time.

Spawn then goes to sub zero.

Spawn: Didn't expect to see you here sub zero.

Sub zero: You are my ally and you where in danger, of course I would come to your aid.

Spawn: Well that's very nice of you. Anyway let's round of the others we need to find out we're the bastards went.

Sub zero: I agree, they must be stopped permanently.

The two then walk over and tended to the wounded . Kaldur super boy and robin finally returned and shocked at the very least when they heard what happened.

Robin: Teleporting cyber ninjas?

Spawn: Yeah

Robin: Right when you think you've seen it all.

Spawn: Robin is it possible that you could locate the signal through one of the destroyed robots?

Robin: I could try, it'll be difficult considering the amount of damage you guys did to them but not impossible.

Kaldur: Good, then get to work robin.

Spawn: Gills , a word please.

Kaldur: Of course.

The two then walk through an empty hallway.

Kaldur: What is it my friend?

Spawn: Donna our new teammate, their something very wrong about her.

Kaldur: What makes you say that?

Spawn: When I just got close to her I felt the scent of her sins. Kaldur whatever she did it is worst than what most of the super villains have done.

Kaldur: The scent of her sin?

Spawn:Everyone has a certain scent to their sins. The worst the sin the worst the smell and she smells like a goddamn dumpster Gills.

Kaldur was puzzled by this, if what spawn was saying was true then that means that she might be a danger to herself and the team. Not only that but whatever she's done my explain sub zero's behavior. Then an idea came to Kaldur.

Kaldur: I have an idea. Perhaps sub zero
Know the origin of her sin.

Spawn: What do you mean?

Kaldur: Before you had awoken my friend, sub zero had shown some form of hatred toward Donna. I'm willing to bet that his hatred comes from whatever Donna did to him.

Spawn: So your saying we should ask sub zero.

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