Part 16 Team troubles

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I don't own anything

Trevor's pov

I woke up on the couch of the cave not knowing what exactly happened before hand. I start to walk around the cave looking for my friends only to hear them yelling at each other about something so I quickly make my way to the control center.

Connor: Kaldur knew their was a traitor and said nothing!!!

Megan: Is this true Kaldur?

Kaldur slowly nods his head having everyone turned shocked in surprise.

Spawn: Hey, now guys common why are we picking on gills here?

Raven: Apparently your team leader wasn't as honest as your team thought he was.

Spawn: Well what did he lie about?

Robin: Kaldur knew their was a mole on the team and he didn't say a word to any of us!

I was kind of shocked by this, Gills has always been the most reliable and honest part of the team so hearing that he knew about a traitor never really crossed my mind.

Spawn: Gills....why didn't you tell any of us?

Kaldur: I did not wish to tip the mole off. I thought it was best to keep the information to myself and investigate.

Kid: Which turned out to put all of us in danger!!

Kaldur: Please I trust each and everyone of you but it was just a possibility-

Connor: So rather than tell us you decide keep the info to yourself and put everyone here at risk!!


Spawns shout seemed to shut everyone up. Spawn then rubbed his eyes out of stress.

Spawn: Jesus everyone here is acting like it's the end of the world! The only reason gills didn't tell us the truth was because he knew that the team would tear itself apart trying to find this mole!

Connor: So your defending him now?!!

Spawn: Well someone has too!! You guys are all ganging up on gills like he planned for this too happen!!

Connor: Unbelievable!! Kaldur almost got Megan killed and your defending him for it!!

Spawn: Oh for gods sake!!! He didn't try to have her killed Connor!!!

But before the argument could continue any further batman intervened stating that they had another mission to attend too.

Robin: Your kidding right?!

Batman: I never joke about a mission.

Spawn: So where gonna go find a super gorilla fantastic.

Right as we where about to leave batman calls out

Batman: Spawn! A word please.

Kid: Ooohhhhh someone's in trouble.

I respond by flipping Wally the bird and walk towards batman and the rest of the adults.

Spawn: What do you need?

Batman: We need to discuss about your new ally that you've brought here.

Zatara: Yes I believe she is the daughter of Trigon, and if she is I think she may be working with him to get as much information out of us as possible.

I raise my eyebrow getting somewhat pissed off.

Spawn: What do you mean by that?

Batman:I mean she might be using you to get to us or the team.

Spawn: Raven wouldn't do that! I mean give her a break! She didn't choose who her dad was just like I didn't choose who mine was! She was given a bad hand just like me and now she's asking for help! You guys might turn her down but I won't! She needs help to deal with this and I'm gonna help her with or withought your damn approval!

Zatara: Spawn you have no idea what kind of damage she is capable of!

Spawn: I know exactly what she's capable of! You really don't get it do you! She didn't get to choose who her father was, she didn't ask for any of this! All she's asking is for a chance to help people! And if you truly don't understand that then you not a hero your just insane!

And that shut everyone up real quick
Batman then speaks up surprising everyone.

Batman: I agree with you we should help her. Despite her origin she is still human. So I'll put her on the team.

Spawn: Thank you-

Batman: However she will be your responsibility. You are going to have to teach her to use her powers for missions. Canary can help her with martial arts. Other than that she's welcomed to the team.

Spawn: Thank you now I need to get going anything else?

Canary: Not at the moment kiddo your good.

Spawn: Alright see you guys around.

And like that spawn teleported to his friends for the mission.

Zatara: He's a very stubborn man.

Canary: Yeah well he's got a lot of guts, standing up to us alone isn't something anyone can do.

Batman: Which is why he past my test.

Zatara/Canary: Test?!

Batman: I wanted to see if he was truly willing to fight for what he believes in. A lot of our protégés are here because they believe in us and what we do. Robin believes in what I do, miss Martian believes in her uncle, Kaldur in his king, kid and flash,Artemis and green arrow, even superboy looks up too super man even though he doesn't state it. Spawn however doesn't look up to any of us. He's been on his own for a long time and he's never truly looked up to anyone.

Canary: He looks up to Magnus doesn't he? And last time I checked Magnus was part of the league.

Batman: Magnus only taught spawn how to use his powers he never taught him any morals or tried to show him his own ideology.

Zatara:So you wanted to test him to see if his beliefs are as strong as everyone else's on the team.

Batman: Yes and from what I've seen he not only believes what he is doing is right but I believe he hads more conviction than anyone else on the team. In summary I believe he has the most faith in what he's doing than anyone else on he team.

Canary: So why do you want to know this anyway?

Batman: Because it shows that he's becoming more and more like us, that he may lack the years of experience like the others but in return he has the will to face the world even when the odds are stacked against him he'll continue to fight.That alone shows me one thing.

Canary: And what is that?

Batman: That he might be the greatest hero in the making.

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