Part 20 the new girl

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I don't own anything

Mount justice

The team was currently recuperating from their last mission. With superboy playing with his new pet. Miss Martian baking cookies, Wally and robin trying to beat each other in street fighter, Kaldur was meditating, Raven was watching over Spawn while reading a book and Artemis was cleaning her weapons.

All things seemed normal until they were all called to the mission room.

Robin: Batman what's going on do we have a mission?!

Batman: No, not today. Today we are introducing the team to its new official member Donna Troy.

A woman in a black suite with silver bracelets looking very similar to Wonder Woman steps out of the shadows.

Donna: Hello, my name is Donna Troy and it is a pleasure to meet you all, even the men.

Robin: Well That didn't sound sexist nor anything.

Wonder Woman: I apologize for her.......behavior the truth is that she had just come from Themyscria and is still learning the culture of mans world. Please give her a chance I promise that she will make a great companion and ally.

Wally: Well, why not the more the merrier right.

Kaldur: Indeed it is a honor to meet you ms Troy

Donna: Thank you Aqualad now are we going on our first mission?

Artemis: Actually one of our teammates are down so right now where just resting till he is back on his feet.

Donna: I see, well I cannot wait you meet him.

After their brief talk the team then shows her around the place showing her the hanger and kitchen and they finally stop at Spawns coffin.

Donna: What in hades name is that?!

Ravens eyes glowed as she was getting ready for a fight.

Kaldur: Stand down everyone their is no reason to fight!

Donna: Their is a giant coffin in the middle of the room. What in Tartarus is in it?!

Kaldur: Our teammate Spawn is in their, he is recovering from his injuries and he is using the coffin to heal himself.

Donna: What is he?

Wally: He's a hellspawn.

And with that Donna went in and tried to
Smash the coffin with a punch only to be thrown by ravens magic.

Robin: Hey! Hey! What are you doing! We said he is our teammate remember!

Donna: That is insane! Who in their right mine would call soulless monster like a hellspawn a "teammate"?!

This caused the whole entire team to glare in anger at Donna causing her to feel out of place.

Artemis: he isn't just some monster that goes around killing people! He's our friend our teammate we care about him and he cares about us! Where his family!

Donna: are you even listening to yourselves?! You are talking about a hellspawn! A hellspawn!! Their are then living embodiment of evil!! People who have sold their souls to powerful demonic overlords in order to gain power!!

Raven: Your such an asshol-

Kaldur: Enough!

Everyone's attention then focused on Kaldur

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