Part 21 Sub zero and magnuses arguement

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For the last few days Sub zero had been helping starfire regain her strength. He honestly felt bad for her as she told him that her whole entire planet had been enslaved by the one's that call themselves the Gordanians. In fact they where planning on taking Starfire with them as some for "research purposes" before Sub zero stopped them.

Starfire was still relatively new to her powers as she only gained them after the Gordanians cruel science experiment with her. At first Sub zero tried to perusade Magnus into having him train Starfire with her new found powers. But Magnus claimed that he had enough problems with Spawn and his girlfriend. Leaving Sub zero with little to no choice he decided to become a mentor to Starfire in order to help her control her powers as well as teach her self defense for and future confrontations she may deal with.

In order to gain an understanding of Starfires powers Sub zero decided to read more into fire magic as well as other scientific notes about solar radiation to learn more about starfires so called "starbolts". In the few days of training things where looking rough as Starfire had a very tough time focusing her powers in order to get them to do what she wanted them to do.Seeing Starfire struggle gave Sub zero an idea and taught he her how to meditate in order to give her a calm mind. This became a complete sucess as it helped give Starfire much more Clarity during training and even helped her calm down during stressful situations such as when she had a hard time learning enghlish (which she still has trouble but its progressing a bit faster).

Sub zero's pov

me: Alright now focus your energy and aim it at the moving targets.

Targets began to move back and forth with an insane amount of speed. Starfire then shoots each and everyone of them down with her starbolts.

Starfire: I did it!! I did it!! yes finally!!

the two high five each other

Sub zero: Im impressed Its only been a few days and you are already making great progress. At this rate we may be able to go right into hand to hand combat next week.

Starfire looked confuesed and said

Starfire: But I already know hand to hand comabt what else is their?

Sub zero: You know only one style of martial arts, If you are going to go back out and fight then you are going to need to know more in martial arts so you can get the upper hand.Think of it as giving your self another weapon at your disposal.

Starfire: Oh! I see! you wish for me to be fully prepared for when I must fight my next opponent.

Sub zero: Exactly.

Sub zero then sees Magnus waving him over and decides to end his lesson with Starfire.

Sub zero: Well that is it for today Starfire it seems Magnus has something that needs of my attention. you should go rest you did good work today.

Starfire: I will and also-

Starfire wraps Bi Han into a warm hug

Starfire: Thank you for taking care of me. I could never repay you for all you have done.

Bi han smiled and said

Sub zero: and youll never have to.

As they walk their seperate ways Sub zero talks to Magnus.

Magnus: Aww look at you to love birds it's so adborable.

Sub zero: It is not like that!

Magnus: Ah, the young love to stubborn to notice its their.

Sub zero: Is their a reason you wanted me here?

Magnus: Yes actually, Circe is back and she has been casung some trouble around the magic community.

Sub zero: Then get your justice freinds to deal with it, Im sure those gang of idiots can figure something out.

Magnus: Its not that simple I am afriad. She wants Spawns power in order to open the gates of hades. And in his weakened state I fear that she will try to maker hero move.

Sub zero: Again, get your pathetic pack of Super friends to help you.

Magnus: Do you know she plans on destroying all of Themyscra.

Sub zero Clenched his fists in anger

Sub zero: Then they are getting what they deserve.

Magnus: (sigh) Still filled to the brim with hatred I see. Well do you realize that she plans on working with the Lin Kuie in order to acheive her goal?

Sub zero: Is that suppose to give me the reason to fight her? because they turned their backs on me! They wanted to to turn me into a mindless killing machine! If the Lin Kuie and the Amazons plan to kill each other then let them! They both deserve each other!

Magnus in furstartion slams his staff down onto the ground

Magnus! Danmit Bi Han! If you won't do this for your clan and If you won't do it for your sisters then do it for Spawn!

Silence passes over them for a few seconds before Sub zero speaks up

Sub zero: You dare call those monsters my sisters?! They are killers with no honor nor honesty!! Their entire society has been built on lies!! I am living proof of their hyporicy and you dare call them my sister!!


Sub zero:.......I will protect Spawn....he is a honorable companion and even showed me mercy when I would have shown none. For that reason alone I will protect him but that is it old man. After this is over do not expect me to every help these scum known to the world as Amazons.

and with that Sub zero takes his leave

Sub zero take a bottle of scotch out of the cabinet and freezes it. then he removes his mask begins drinking the beverage thinking about his argument he had with Magnus.

Sub zero:(sigh) son of a bitch, damn you Spawn.

After downing the last of the scotch Sub zero makes his way towards one of the Zeta tubes as Magnus walks with him.

Magnus: Thank you Bi Han, I know this must be hard for y-

Sub zero: Just stop talking and open the damn tube.

And with that the two left for mount justice

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