Part 24 The Tragedy of Bi Hann

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I don't own anything

Sub zero was currently reading a book on cryomancy  while sitting at the diner table. Robin said it might be awhile until he can track the signals location. Until then me and Aqualad decided to do some investigating.

Spawn: Hey, sub how is it going? Nice weather huh?

Sub zero: You are terrible at small talk Spawn. Please state what you want.

Spawn: Ok, right to the point. I need to know why you have such hatred for Donna.

Sub zero: That is none of your concern spawn.

Spawn: Yeah it is actually. Her sins are some of the worst ones I've ever felt and I have no idea why.

Sub zero: It is because she is a wolf in sheeps clothing.

Spawn: Yes I know that! I need you to tell me why damnit!

Sub zero: You would never believe me even if I told you-

Spawn: What?

Sub zero: The green woman, she can see into minds right?

Spawn: Yeah why?

Sub zero: If you want to know the truth about the monster Donna Troy then look into my memories. See what I saw and then decide for yourself what kind of person Donna Troy is.

Spawn the went to Aqualad.

Spawn: Gills I've got a plan.

Aqualad: I'm listening.

Spawn: we have megan show us into sub zeros mind. Make us see what he seen and then we'll decide what to do about Donna.

Aqualad: It's the best we've got I guess considering when I confronted Donna all she did was yell and tell me that this was her business and nobody else's.

Spawn: alright let's get to it.

Spawn and Kaldur then to megan and tell her about the situation.

Megan: as much as I want to help I can't. My powers would barely be able to hold two of us in the same memory much less the whole team.

Raven: But I can.

That caught everyone by surprise

Spawn: Wait, raven you can do this?

Raven: Yes it's a simple spell actually and one that I can perform with ease. Bring sub zero and the others here and I'll get the incantation ready.

Spawn: Well alright then let's do this.

After a few minutes everyone was gathered to together except for Donna who was sleeping in her room. Raven had set up everything as symbols where all over the floor.

Raven: Alright now everyone hold hands, sub zero get in the middle.

Everyone did as instructed.

Raven: Alrighty then. Amaranth metrion zinthos!

Kid: Wait is this saFE!!

And just like that everyone had entered sub zeros mind.

Inside sub zeros memories

Everyone was getting the bearing straight figuring out where they were. They were all on a island that seemed to be populated by only men.

???: Hey bi hann! How's it going?!

Bi bann: Good skjor! Killed a bear today so guess what where eating!

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