Part 17 a hot day in new york

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I don't own anything

Magnuses house

Sub zeros pov

I was currently punching a sand bag in the basement of the house. I was wearing my work out attire a sleeveless blue shirt with black shorts. I was currently practicing my punches when Magnus entered the room.

Mage: Morning, already in the punching bag eh?

Me: Yeah......need to.....improve my fighting style.......if I'm going to...... fight the Lin kuei again.

Magnus: I see you know you can join spawns team they would probably help you in your adventure.

I continue to punch the sand bag.

Me: I don't need help from a bunch of snot nosed brats or their pathetic idealist mentors.

Magnus: Well I'm sure spawn will help you you know him well you can trust him.

Me: It's not about trust. This is my problem and I will deal with it on my own accord.

I then start become more frustrated and hit the bag harder.

Magnus: You know I've read a lot about you sub zero. How you have lived for so long, how you single handedly destroyed half of the league of shadows back in the 1800s.

I begin to hit the bag even harder then before.

Magnus: And after that you had fought ectrigon too a standstill. I've even heard that you dealt a blow so powerful that it scarred Vandal savage.

I was starting too hit the bag so hard small pockets of sand could be seen coming out of the bag.

Magnus: But what astonished me the most was your family history.

And with that I punched the sand bag so hard that I tore it apart sand spilled everywhere while pieces of the bag remained hanging.

Me(huff)(huff)I don't (huff)(huff) have a family.

Magnus looked at me dead in the eyes and sighed.

She doesn't know does she? That your her brother.   

Me: You make sound like I'm suppose to care what becomes of my sister. And for the record she hasn't seen my face in a long time, I doubt she would even recognize me.

Magnus: Well it's not my place to say but I would like to know why you resent them?

Me: You mean my blood family?

Magnus: Yes, something must have caused all this hatred between you and her family.

Me: That's none of your damn business!

I left in a rage heading outside to the town where I was in my normal attire. I found a descent bar and order some good old rum. I start to think about my family. The mother I tried to impress time and time again only to fail miserably. The hateful glares I would get from the inhabitants. And of course the worst part the favoritism of my little sister. Always being rewarded for her actions leaving me with in the dust with nothing but disappointment.

I start to drink some of the rum and think. I hate my family my neglectful mother, my damn perfect sister, and finally the deadbeat father. Yes I must say I am just a head case of problems. I decide to head outside to get some fresh air. That's when I noticed a comet flying closer and closer and.......oh boy.

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