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{Sandgem High School | Hallway}

I munched on my muffin as I entered the school building

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I munched on my muffin as I entered the school building. Thankfully, I didn't need to worry about my egg's wellbeing; my little brother had been cooing over it like a Combee in a hive. I didn't mind waiting for the Pokédex, so long as I eventually got it.

As I moved to my locker, I heard a couple of people muttering quite loudly.

"She is nuts, is that separation anxiety?"

"Maybe that's what the Pokédex Club does."

"How is that chick gonna manage to carry that around?"

I glanced at the person they were talking about, meeting the peculiar sight of Dawn and her egg. She had her back to them, and was rummaging around her locker, the incubator beside her feet.

"Maybe she needs a guy to help her around." An aggravating voice burst out.


I quickly rushed forward to Dawn, bursting out "Hey! Let's go to lesson."

She peered back at me in confusion, "Err, I have Geography?"

I nodded thankfully, quickly pushing her out of the hallway.

The moment we were away from that jerk, I pumped my fist in the air, "Man am I good or what?"

"May, right? What was that for?" She asked in confusion.

"I overheard Gary about to act all hero-like and carry your egg for you. No girl wants that." I explained.

Dawn winced, "Thanks for saving me."

"Why are you carrying it around?" I asked bluntly as we walked to our class.

She blushed, "Personally, I think that hatching a Pokémon is easier when it's around you as you move. I don't know...I kind of want this little one to share every experience."

"That makes sense." I nodded slowly, so engrossed in our conversation that I didn't see the body in front of me, colliding with it.

"Really, September?" His voice teased.


"You're not even trying, Drew." I glared at him.

He flicked his hair and then turned to look at Dawn, "You're carrying it around?"

"Clearly." She replied shortly.

"It would be amusing if that was the last egg to hatch." he smirked.

"Yes, that would be amusing to a Grasshole." She snapped.

I burst out laughing and patted my new favourite person, "That's perfect. Why didn't I think of that?"

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