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{Sandgem High School}

{Sandgem High School}

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Two fucking weeks.

I couldn't take it.

Each day without Dawn was another stab in my heart.

The police force hadn't done anything.

Riley, his Lucario and Stranger had tried to detect her, but it was impossible. Cyrus must have put some Psychic's barrier over her.

Everyone was lost and confused. Nobody was of help. May and Drew were entered for the Summer Contest together, so they were especially busy. I couldn't care less about the battle tournament, and had lost to Conway a week ago.

I found myself going to Mount Coronet regularly, needing the catharsis. I hated to admit it, but most nights I would wake up crying. Nightmares struck me like claws, I'd wake with horrible images in my head.

I had nothing now.

"Paul?" A hand waved in front of my face, and I looked at Leaf blankly.


"Snap out of it," She murmured, "she won't be there forever."

"Really?" I glared at them all, "Without a miracle, we won't ever get Dawn back."

"Don't say that!" Misty bit her lip, "She can't stay lost."

"What's the point of staying pessimistic?" Ash asked me.

I glared at him, anger brimming.

None of them loved her the way I did.

"You don't get it!" I clenched my jaw, "Dawn reassures me. I need her around to keep me steady, and it seems like I'm the only one being realistic. "

I shook my head. It was only break time, but my state of distraction was making my lessons useless.

I stalked out of the gates, ignoring the yells of a Senior, then began walking towards Twinleaf Town.

"Paul. We need to take action."

Lucario appeared beside me as I walked towards her house.

"How?" I bit down the urge to scream, "We don't have any leads."

"Dawn would never give up. We need to analyse everything."

I grunted as we approached her house and after ringing the doorbell, Johanna wearily opened the door.

"Paul!" Her eyes were red as she pulled me into the house, "Please. Please look."

I followed her inside suspiciously, "What's happened?"

I knew Dawn would want me to regularly check on her mum; it made me feel like I was doing something.

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