25. Sparks

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{G06 - Hall | Sandgem High School}

I walked into my Coordinator class awkwardly and bowed my head apologetically, "I'm so sorry I'm late

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I walked into my Coordinator class awkwardly and bowed my head apologetically, "I'm so sorry I'm late."

Fantina beamed at me, clearly not bothered, "Ah! There she is, my étoile."


I looked at May in confusion, but she was glaring at me in hostility.

Oh crap.

"Congratulations!" My teacher pulled me into a hug, then I realised I hadn't seen her since winning the Veilstone Contest.

"Oh! Thank you Fantina!" I smiled shyly, embarrassed at the stares I was receiving.

"Trés bon! Now, sit down. I still expect you to catch up on the notes missed."

I nodded, then took my seat quietly, trying to avoid my best friend's stare as I pulled out my equipment.

"Dawn Berlitz, you have some explaining to do." May hissed as Fantina picked on two students for a battle performance.


"I'm fed up of covering for you when your Mum calls."

"Oh May!" I widened my eyes in realisation, "I'm so sorry, I swear it wont happen again."


"After work, I went to see Paul and interrogate him about the project, but," I bit down a smile, the feeling of his lips still fresh in my kind.

"But?" May asked eagerly.

"I found out that he wanted to avoid me because he couldn't control his feelings anymore."

"Arceus, he confessed?" She gasped, then covered her mouth and whispered, "Finally."

"You knew?" It was my turn to glare.

"Yeah well, get on with it." May rolled her eyes.

"After explaining how he felt, I think he kissed me on a whim, but it turned out to be a great decision."

"Was he better than Lucas?"

I smiled feebly, "It was the best feeling, passionate yet gentle."

May grinned, then narrowed her eyes as she stared at my collarbone. "Just kissed?"

"...Apart from this."

"Don't tell me you spent the night with him?" My best friend whacked my head as Fantina stopped to stare at us.

I pointed to my notebook, and May pretended to quietly explain something until our teacher finally looked away.

"Nothing happened. We hung out together and talked through the night, but I woke up in his arms."

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