5. Losses

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{Room G02 | Sandgem High School}

{Room G02 | Sandgem High School}

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I was fuming on behalf of Ash.

We had arrived early to school and sat in our club room, waiting for Brock and the Professors. A horrible feeling hovering over both of us as we still processed the events.

Ash sighed, "Why would they steal Pokémon?"

"Because they're no-good crooks," I muttered, patting his hand comfortingly, "we're lucky Dawn and Riolu prevented further thefts."

Speak of the devil.

Dawn ran through the room, her ponytail bouncing and stray hairs flying madly around her face, "Ash!"

She grabbed the other seat beside him, her eyes wide, "I'm so sorry."

"You don't need to be sorry." He shook his head.

"I do!" She insisted, "If I noticed what Riolu had been telling me earlier, I could have warned you to check your rooms."

"Don't feel bad," I met Dawn's eyes, "We didn't run into them, and you protected mine and May's eggs."

Riolu jumped onto Ash's lap, surprising all of us. He offered him an Oran Berry and patted his hand.

"You can sense my feelings huh?" Ash smiled, "thanks."

"Maybe this was for the best." Dawn finally murmured.

"I've been trying to think like that." Ash ran a hand through his hair, "Maybe I'll become good friends with my future partner."

I nodded, "I'm sure you'll have an amazing relationship."

"Thanks." He smiled as the door opened.

Brock, Professor Rowan and Professor Oak all entered, frowns embedded on their faces. It was surprising to find Professor Oak here, as he usually ran the Saffron High School.

"I'm sorry for your loss Ash." Professor Rowan sighed, "However, there is one Pokémon that Samuel has, which he would be willing to give to you. Interested?"

"I must add," Professor Oak interrupted, "the Pokémon is in its second stage. You may need to work hard to develop a bond."

"That's okay," Ash forced a smile, "Can I see it please?"

"Of course." The two Professors motioned for him to follow them as he stood up.

"Good luck." I smiled and gave Ash's hand a reassuring squeeze.

His face turned a little red and he met my eyes, "Thanks Misty."

As they closed the door, Brock sighed, walking to his desk, "I'm glad no other Pokémon were stolen. What's this I here about a vision, Dawn?"

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