11. New Year

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This all happens the night of the party, it's a series of parallel events.

{Veilstone City | Paul's Home}

I walked out of the house, having explained Paul's situation to Reggie, then returned into his car

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I walked out of the house, having explained Paul's situation to Reggie, then returned into his car. Now that it was just the two of us, my heart was racing and I was on edge.

"Same as before?" Lucas asked cheerfully.

"Yeah." I murmured, stealing a glance at him as we quickly drove through Sinnoh.

He still looked cute.

"Seeing you scared the crap out of me," He smiled, his eyes darting to mine, "after so long."

I bit my lip, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"So much happened..." I trailed off as my lip trembled.

He placed a hand over mine reassuringly, "It's okay, Piplup."

Hearing that nickname made my emotions escape, "It's not!" I blurted out guiltily, "I cut everything off and never contacted you. I didn't think I'd see you again, I'm sorry!"

Tears dribbled down my face like a child, "I'm so sorry, Lucas. I didn't think you'd study here."

In response, he stopped his car and walked out, opening my door and gesturing for me to get out too.

Once I did so, I felt his arms wrap around me tightly and I clutched him; I hadn't been held like this in so long. Lucas had grown, and his body was broader than before. I felt like a Shinx compared to a Luxray.

His lips brushed their way to my forehead, where they remained in a gentle silence. Lucas had always been reassuring, but he wasn't as comforting as Pau-.

I jumped away in shock as I realised who I was comparing my ex-boyfriend to, then sheepishly looked back at him.

"I-" my voice got stuck in my throat.

He shook his head, "Same old Dawn."

I looked up sceptically, "Really?"

"To me, yes." He bit his lip before placing a hand against my face, "Strong-willed and passionate. Clumsy too."

We stood, staring at each other in a mixture of awkward and necessary silence when suddenly, fireworks began exploding like unwanted screams.

They lit up the sky as I dragged my gaze away from Lucas and to the brightly coloured sparkles.

"Happy new year." We murmured together.

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