7. Auras

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{Auditorium | Sandgem High School}

I couldn't decide if I was annoyed or delighted at the sudden announcements we'd been receiving; it was cutting into my lunch

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I couldn't decide if I was annoyed or delighted at the sudden announcements we'd been receiving; it was cutting into my lunch. However, the information we'd been given was really exciting.

After Winter Break, all freshmen were going on a field trip to catch their next Pokémon. It sucked that we were only allowed two Pokémon partners in our first year. Juniors were allowed four, and once we became Seniors, we could have a full team.

"You will be travelling in your homeroom classes, splitting up into pairs depending on what environment the Pokémon you want is in." Professor Rowan explained.

I sighed, that meant I couldn't team up with Dawn.

"Hey June," A voice muttered behind me, "what type are you planning on?"

"Bug, you Grasshole." I replied.

Why was he the only person I knew in my homeroom class?

"Same here. Want to partner up?"

"Sounds good." I replied, snapping my head back as I felt a blush emerge.

"I want you all to be on your best behaviour. With the recent incidents going in Sinnoh, it's absolutely necessary that you keep yourselves safe." Professor continued.

"You may be wondering why you're already catching a Pokémon so fast, but the answer is simple. Competitions.

Both Coordinators and Trainers will have challenges that require at least two different Pokémon, but your own teachers will inform you more on that."

I grinned at the new revelation, that sounded even more exciting.

"I hope you enjoy Christmas and New year. Stay safe, students." Professor ended.

As we all dispersed, I ran towards the lunch hall, catching a whiff of macaroni cheese. I made sure to grab a full plate, along with a pastry and strawberry milk for Dawn.

I found our usual table and waited for a few minutes until Dawn had joined me, Riolu jumped off her shoulder to give me a small wave.

"Hello to you too," I grinned, "Wanna play with Torchic once we're done eating?"

Stranger nodded, and Dawn took a seat beside me, I turned to her and passed the pastry and drink, "Here you are!"

Dawn beamed as she accepted the food, "You're on fire, thank you!"

"I know, I know." I patted my shoulder and then asked, "Who do you have in your homeroom?"

She stuck the straw into the carton, "I know Kenny and Zoey, there's Gary," Dawn took a sip and then pulled a face, "and Paul. "

"I just know Drew, so thank Arceus he asked to be partners. We're both looking for Bug types."

"I see." She smirked at me, then sighed, "After quickly asking, Kenny and Zoey are both partnering up for the Grassland area. I think Gary's going there too."

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