15. Double Battles

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{G06 - Hall | Sandgem High School}

"Stranger, Focus Blast! Charmander, Fire Burst!"

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"Stranger, Focus Blast! Charmander, Fire Burst!"

The two attacks collided against each other, releasing a show of fiery sparks.

I frowned, "I don't know, somehow I feel like this isn't capturing your style."

Coordinator training had allowed all of us to focus on getting to know how to combine attacks. I was having a difficult time; my Pokémon only knew physical attacks and a lot of them required them to be very close.

"Group talk." I beckoned them to me and crouched down, placing a poffin in each of their paws.

Now that Charmander was here, I had started talking aloud to both Pokémon, so they wouldn't feel left out. We'd practised battles, it was difficult for me to shout commands to one whilst using telepathy with the other. However, after some trials, we had all become used to it.

"Stranger, you're flexible and jump like an acrobat, let's focus on that. Charmander, you have a strong Fire Burst and just looking at you is dazzling."

Contests are all about showing off your Pokémon, so I'm going to be showing off more than moves. Their appearances are naturally important to judges.

As I absentmindedly watched Zoey's elegant Glameow, a thought struck me.

Can I use aura as part of my appeal round?

I looked down at the ground, scrunching my nose as an idea flashed through my mind. I stood up again in excitement and moved to a little distance.

"Stranger, make a barrier around yourself!" I tested my thoughts as he shined in blue, "Charmander, Fire Spin around him."

The fire encircled Riolu, pushing against the aura to smashing little blue sparkles.

"Stranger, manipulate the aura as a layer over the fire!" I shouted as ideas poured through my mind, "Charmander, when you see a chance, jump into the spirals!"

As the aura and fire spin fused, it became an orange coil surrounded by dazzling blue. Stranger was inside this mesmerising combination and after a second, Charmander had managed to get inside too.

"Alright, Charmander use Tackle against one side of the spirals and Riolu use Force Palm!" I ordered.

Once the physical attacks had landed in complete unison, the spirals disintegrated to little shards of glitter and shone around my Pokémon.

"That was great!" I walked up to them and patted their heads, "We could reverse the order of the spirals a little. Stranger can jump into it whilst Charmander is making it."

They both nodded enthusiastically and I grinned, "I hope we get into the Contest, you two deserve it."

"Dream on." A scrawny voice interrupted.

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