8. Meltdowns

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{Twinleaf Market | Twinleaf Town}

"I'm tired," I complained to Stranger, who was sitting on my shoulder in mutual exhaustion

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"I'm tired," I complained to Stranger, who was sitting on my shoulder in mutual exhaustion.

For the last week, I had been meeting up with Riley at school, in spite of the holidays.

We'd spent two days enhancing our aura to foretell actions. The next four days had been a struggle of being blindfolded and relying on aura to sense and dodge attacks. Riley had focused on helping me, whilst his talented Lucario had mentored Stranger.

I had to admit that it helped a lot, sometimes I'd walk home with my eyes closed as practice. Yesterday, we had begun training on Projection; Riley wanted to leave Tracking for last.

I was only able to create small barriers, let alone project anything. I found it feeble, but Riley had promised that when we got back to school, he'd help enhance it. He had given me this week off for Christmas and New year.

Now that it was Christmas Eve, I was doing my shopping for the meal I was going to prepare.

Walking around the vegetable section, I reached out for a bright looking pepper.

A voice muttered behind me, "Good choice."

I jumped in surprise, then turned to smile at the friendly face, "Hi Reggie."

"Hello, Dawn was it?"

I nodded, "What are you doing here?"

"It's just Paul and I at home so I like to think of myself as a mum. Using my maternal instincts, it's obvious this grocery has much fresher produce than ours."

I giggled, "You definitely fit that role."

"My brother should be somewhere here." Reggie scanned the isles whilst squinting.

I looked down at my basket, then up at the queue, "Actually, I should be going. I really hate waiting in line. See you."

I waved, praying my smile wouldn't give away the reluctance to see Paul.

"Bye." Reggie grinned, and I wondered how he was related to Paul as I walked away.

After paying for everything I had bought using the self-service checkout, I began making my way back home.

"You're really excited Dawn. I can sense the strong waves."

"You're right. It will be nice to have some quality time as a family." I smiled at him.

"Human food seems tasty."

"It is," I grinned, "you'll love my roast potatoes."

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