Chapter 3

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 All eyes are on me. Murphy looks like someone slapped him in the face. I stood in front of the people who treated me like shit. The same people who would throw me into walls break things over my head and leave me on the brink of death before sending someone to help me.

"Adalyn?" I hear a small voice say. I turn around and see my dad. Some relief floods through my body that he is ok and nothing happened to him in the year I haven't been there to take care of him.

"Dad." I move towards him. He opens his arms and hugs me tight against his body. He burys his face into the crook of my neck and sobs.

"I'm so sorry. I let them do this to you. I'm so sorry I never helped you." He pleads.

"I forgive you." I pull away and lay my hand on his cheek and smile.

"Alpha Ashford." I say.

"Adalyn please." He starts towards me and Aiden and Aspen create a wall in front of me. I grab Aspen's hand and squeeze.

"It's fine guys. He can't hurt me." I smile and let go of Aspen's hand.

"Alpha Ashford as you can see the fighters and  I are very tired and we would like to get some rest before we have to start training." I say.

"Very well. Olivia will show you to the house you all will be staying in." I want to gag when Olivia smiles at the guys as she makes her way down the stairs towards us.

"I won't be long my love." She says. She blows a kiss to Murphy and I almost laugh. Aspen grabs me and pulls me close to his side. I hear Murphy growl and Aspen stops in his tracks. Everyone around us visibly tenses.

"You lost that right Alpha Ashford. Always remember you lost that right the moment you rejected her." Aspen speaks and everyone stops what they are doing to listen.

I stand frozen tucked into Aspen's side. We start moving back towards the cars to grab our bags when one word makes me stop in my tracks.

"Whore." I turn slowly.

"What did you say?" I ask. Olivia throws her hair over her shoulder and looks back at her friends.

"I called you a whore." Olivia seems to get amped by the laughter.

"I though that's what you said." I say.

"Addy don't." Aiden says. I look at him and he lets out a nervous laugh.

"Your fucked." Is all Aiden can say.

I move towards Olivia. She looks at me as I grab her hair and sling her across the yard. She sits up and touches her face and lets out a gasp when she sees the blood from her busted lip. I grab her by the neck and sling her towards Murphy. He moves out the way looking at me, not making a move to help her up. I walk towards Olivia as she tries to get up. I kick her in her side making a few ribs crack. She lets out a howl of pain.  I straddle her letting most of weight settle on her ribs. She lets out another scream and I slam my fist into her face. Her mouth is pooling with blood and her face looks like something from a horror movie. Her wolfs instincts finally kick in and she swings. She doesn't land a blow missing me by a couple inches. She struggles to get up as she winces from the ribs. I move off of her allowing her to get up and gain some footing. 

"Ill show you to respect a Luna." Olivia spits.

"Bet a hundred dollars Addy puts her in the infirmary." Aiden says to Danny.

"I'm not fucking stupid. She's going to put her in the icu at an actual hospital. She is going to need more then the pack doctor." Danny says.

Olivia tries to grab me by my shirt. I twist and let it fall off my body. I take my shirt and twist her hand up in it and flip her on her back. I slam my foot down onto her arm waiting for the snap. She screams out in pain and I pull my foot away slamming it into her face knocking her out cold. Her head rolls to the side and her breathing evens out. I shake my head. If this is how they are fighting it's a wonder they all haven't died. I reach down and grab my shirt. I slide it over my head and look at the crowd. They each have a look of horror on their face along with awe. 

"I'm not a fucking whore. I hear anyone call me that I will put a end to your fucking life." I say. I turn and look at Murphy and Ned. "I assume we are housed in the guest house near the quarry?" I ask.

"Yeah." Ned says.

"I think we can take it from here." I go to walk away and I stop. "And Murphy, keep your fucking whore away from me and my friends. I don't need her trying to throw her fake status in our faces. I'm not the same girl that left here heart broken and beaten. I will not hesitate to snap necks and ask questions later." I say.  We turn to move towards the quarry and people part like I'm Moses and I'm parting the red sea. I move a little faster to get out of the prying eyes.



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