Chapter 44

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Aspen steps out of the car first and Ansley crushes him in a hug.

"I have missed you guys so much!" She yells. I shake my head and hug her. She looks at me with wide eyes and I put a finger up to my lips and she nods.

"The pack will be so glad to have you back." Ansley says.

Uriel and Violet step out next and they are both looking at each other like star struck lovers and Ansley looks at me and I shake my head.

"Long story that I am sure everyone will know about later." Uriel decided he wanted to come back with us because Violet didn't want to leave my side she vowed that she would be my bodyguard even though we all told her I was more then capable of taking care of myself. Uriel let go of his hate and this allowed him to accept his mate bond to Violet. Toni was turned right before we all come home and she was recovering when we left.

Jason, Sam, Jack, Olivia and Danny pile out of the car picking at each other. I shake my head and head inside the house heading up to my room that I left so long ago.

"Addy?" I turn around and Anna stands in the door. She looks at me with the same look Ansley had.

"I haven't told him yet. So don't say anything to dad." Anna nods and smiles at me.

"Anna I have a question for you." Anna looks at me weird.


"Can I call you mom? I know you love my dad and I know you love me." She doesn't let me finish she hugs me with tears in her eyes.

"Of course you can call me mom."
Everyone is telling their stories about how everyone met each other and the mates we found Ansley who likes the drama and excitement was eating it all up. Olivia was smiling and as much as I hated to admit I have come to really like her. She looks at me with huge eyes as Micha enters the room he looks at her and I smile.

"Well if it isn't Micha." I say. He doesn't even acknowledge me he sits down and Olivia looks at me and turns red when I wag my eyebrows.

"How was Rome Micha?" Aspen ask.

"Eventful but not as much fun as you all had it seems." Micha says.

"Hey we tried getting ahold of you but no reply."

"Well I'm home now." I smile and nod in agreement. I am home.
Aspen lays across the bottom of my bed and I smile at him.

"We have to move your things to my room." He says.

"Yeah I reckon and we can move the bed out and put a crib against that wall." I point to where the dresser is.

"A crib?" He ask.

"Aspen I'm pregnant. All the women know and it has been hard as hell to keep it a secret from you." I say.

He jumps up and grabs me and spins me around then stops and cradles my stomach.

"I love you so much Addy."

"I love you too."

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