Chapter 34 (RATED R for Violence)

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Snarling can be heard all over the compound. Men and women running out of their houses children's screams echo in my ears. Wolves run past me blood splashes across my legs. The warm liquid slides down my leg making me look at the body that had fallen. A rouge who is only a kid lays at my feet. His throat wide open making me cringe. I feel the vomit coming up my throat and I spill my guts all over the ground next to the kid.

I can see the women and children heading for the cellars. I move closer to guard them until they are each inside. People are running past each other adding to the chaos. I grab the nearest rouge and crush their windpipe. A women screams and by the time I turn around the women's head is thrown at my feet. The rouges eyes flash and I can see the crazed look in its eyes and I've never felt more scared in my life. Toni runs past me with two on her flank. 

"Toni!" She turns in time to be taken down. The larger of the two wolves pins her to the ground snapping at her neck. She screams out and I see a wolf freeze and I know its Murphy. I weave in and out of the fighting wolves to make my way to Toni. I hear a howl and I turn and Murphy is looking past me. Toni lays lifeless with her throat laid open. Blood covers her once young youthful face that is etched in horror.

"Addy move!"  Aspen yells just as someone lunges at the spot I was just standing. I spin around and am frozen in fear. Someone has Aspen at knife point and his eyes are on me. I can hear his heart beat steadying and I can feel my heart breaking as the man slides the knife across his throat. I feel like someone just stabbed me in the chest. I cant breathe and it feels like the world is falling all around me in shards. I scream as if I am on fire and I cant find any kind of relief. 

I push myself through the crowd and push the man away from Aspen's body.

"Aspen!" I scream. Tears fall down my face. I pull him close to my body and cradle his body. Sobs wrack through my body and the screaming and bloodshed seem to fall behind me as I look at Aspen lying in my lap. My body soaked in blood but all I can seem to see is his blood. 

"Addy." I look up and Murphy is looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"I'm not leaving him. I cant." I say. Murphy looks at me like he has no fight left to fight. 

"I'm not asking you too." He looks at me and helps me up. I gently lay Aspen back on the ground after I give him a kiss.

"Lets finish this and we can get back to our loves." He says. I nod and finally open myself back up to what is going on and my heart sinks. So many dead over the senseless violence.

"Addy!" I look over my shoulder and feel something wet down the front of my shirt.

Blood pours out of my shirt. I lift the bottom up and shake my head and drop to the ground.

"Wolfsbane bullet."

"Addy! Your going to be ok." Murphy says.

"No. I'm not I'm going to die and I'm okay with it."

"Please don't leave me. I cant loose you too." 

"I'm sorr-"


I jolt up in bed screaming. Aspen jumps out of bed and flips on the lights.

"Ads! Are you ok?"

"No it felt so real I thought I lost you." Tears begin to fall down my face and Aspen comes back to bed and holds me.

"It's going to be ok."

"Doesn't feel like it. I feel like I just talked everyone to walk to their deaths and I am going to be one to walk among the dead. I have a really bad feeling about this Aspen. Like this is a warning from the goddess herself telling me to find another way."

"Babe please don't say things like that. We are going to be fine. We will protect each other." He pulls me close to his chest, but I cant bring myself to fall back asleep all I can see are the faces of the dead coming to bring me with them. I listen to Aspen's heart and pray that we make the best decisions going forward.



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