Chapter 15

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 The whole fight with Adalynn left me so vancant that I wanted to find her an apologize for my actions against Aiden but the look on Aspen's face when she took off told me everything I needed to know. I had to let her go and it pained me. I loved her and I know I shouldn't feel like that anymore. I shouldn't be allowed to. I rejected her and made her feel unwanted and Aspen saved her.

"Hey Murphy!" I look up and Ned is sitting with a lot of the guys from the gym. They all laughing about something Ned had said prior to seeing me.

"Hey Ned." I look at the guys and they cant take their eyes off of my face.

"I get it guys can we move on from the fact I haven't completely healed yet." I say crossing my arms. The guys shake their heads and look at me with a smirk.

"She starts training us tomorrow. Aiden is going back to be with his mate." Ned says.

"Well at least you know she is capable." I say. The guys start to talk among themselves and I cant be bothered with their conversation.

I make my rounds and stop near Luke's house when I hear laughter.  I watch as the guys all mess with each other as they try to grab jars out of each others hands only to get distracted by something on the porch.

Adalynn is in Aspen's arms swaying to the music and for some reason it doesn't hurt like I thought it would. I don't hurt like I thought I would. 

Seeing them together makes me long for someone who would love me unconditionally like Aspen loves Adalynn. I tear my gaze away from them and head towards my house. The entire day feels like something from a movie. Where everything comes crashing down on the hero and he is at his make or break except I'm no hero. I am nothing like a hero. Id like to believe I am but I know that is a fools errand. I am nothing like a hero. 

I open my door and enter the dark house. 



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