Chapter 17

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 I lay on the grass watching the retreating figures out of the corners of my eyes. I tilt my head back and watch the sky above me changing colors above me. The blue turning pink and the white clouds changing to orange. Its peaceful in a right of its own. There is just something about the sky being so freeing almost like being on the back of my bike.

"Adalynn?" I turn my head and look at the person talking. Murphy sits down next to me and pulls at the grass in front of him.

"Murphy." I nod. "What can I do for you?" I ask as I sit up.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"For what?" I ask.

"I didn't know how I made you feel when I rejected you. I mean I knew it hurt you. I knew it was going to hurt me, but I didn't know the magnitude it hurt you on." He says.

As I look at Murphy I see this person who is broken but also vulnerable. He looks at me as he talks.

"Murphy I know we've talked about this." I say. 

"No not what I want to say" He looks at me and something in his eyes makes me stop trying to talk him out of whatever he is about to say.

"Last night I was walking around after you beat the holy hell out of me. I was thinking about what life would have been like with you by my side and the funny thing is I couldn't. When I see you and Aspen I just know that is where you were meant to be. I was never meant to have you. I feel like everything happened just as the goddess wanted. I know I hurt you and I have no right to say anything to you but I wanted you to know all of this." He says.

"Last night when I was walking around the houses I heard the music coming from your dads house and you and Aspen dancing and I expected it to hurt like hell and it didn't. I don't  why it didn't hurt or why I was ok with what I was seeing, but I was. In that moment I was ok with the way things turned out and I also am happy I got to see you again to try and make amends. The whole thing was honestly eating me alive." He looks at me with some clarity in his eyes.

"All I want now is for you to be happy and for you and Aspen to be able to live your life with so much happiness because if anyone here deserves it, it is you. The person who took so much shit off of so many people to only come above it all and rise above the ashes. You deserve to be happy and live somewhere where the people have nothing but unconditional love for you. I am just happy that you found that place even if it isn't with me." Murphy says. Tears fall down my face and I cant stop them.

"Murphy. I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything." He says.

"No. Murphy you deserve happiness and I will always love you regardless of how things went. You will find someone who will make you so happy you forget all about me. She will be something I'm not able to be." I say. I hear leaves crunching and I see Aspen standing near me and Murphy. "She will bring your entire world to a stand still and you will not know how to breathe without her. She will consume you in the best ways. She will be your perfect half or he will be your perfect half but I know we were never meant for each other but we were paired to teach each other a lesson whoever she or he is I hope they make you happy." I stand up and kiss his cheek and look at Aspen. "You will be a great Alpha Murphy just let yourself feel something more than what you are allowing." 



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