Chapter 20

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 The dinning hall looks like something out of a fairytale and it makes me pinch myself to make sure that I am actually awake and not in a dream. I settle down in my seat in between Sam and Aspen. Murphy and Michael are seated at the top of the table as the rest of us filter in the middle with dad and Ned at the bottom. I chow down on my mac -n-cheese as everyone else eats the steak. Priorities. 

"So Aspen any big plans for when you get home?" Michael ask.

"Not at the moment but you never know." Aspen says.

"And what about you Adalynn?" Michael ask.

"I'm a fighter I will continue to do what I was doing and that is patrolling and making sure that Aspen is safe." I say.

"But you are his mate are you not?" Michael ask confused.

"I am." I say.

"So wouldn't you be marked and take up duties as a Luna?" Michael ask.

"We haven't talked about marking and as far as i'm concerned I was already doing that before. I make sure everything runs smoothly." I say.

"What about Aspen's other mate?" Michael pries.

I open my mouth but Aspen beat me to it.

"She died of cancer almost a year ago. My sister and Addy were the ones taking on that role. Addy is a natural Luna. She was born to be a leader of sorts and as far as marking goes. I wont do that until she is ready. As far as anyone is concerend they touch my mate and I will kill them no questions asked." Aspen says.

"Seems dangerous to leave her unmarked." Michael says.

"Well I can take care of myself. I have never had the problem before now so why should it be a problem now?" I ask.

"Well you are one of a kind Adalynn and that is very valuable especially during a time of war where you can be used as leverage." Michael says. I ball my fist up and feel the anger rising to the surface quickly.

"Dad enough!" Murphy says. "She is with Aspen and he isn't going to let anyone take her she is safe. Adalynn is also very capable of taking care of herself." Murphy finishes.

"Was just asking." Michael throws his hands up in defence.

"More like prying dad." Murphy huffs and finishes eating.

The rest of the meal is quiet and awkward. I finish off my plate and one of the people from the kitchen comes by and clears my plate.

"Alpha Murphy I have a request." My dad speaks up.

"Yes?" He looks at my dad and Anna.

"We would like to join Adalynn and Aspen as they journey home. She is my only daughter after all and if it is alright I would like to join Aspen's pack." I look at dad eyes wide.

"Is this what you truly want?" Murphy ask.

"It is. I have missed enough of her life already." Dad says.

"I agree." Murphy says. He looks at me and nods.

"Alpha Murphy." Finn speaks up.

"Yes." I look at Finn and he looks at Ned.

"I have found my mate here." Finn says. Ned smiles and looks away almost like he is embarrased to be in front of everyone. I smile and look at Finn.

"Who?" Murphy ask suprised.

"Ned." The whole room goes quiet and no one can help but let the smiles spread across their faces.

"If you would have me I would like to join your pack. I've already talked to Aspen and he agrees that he doesnt want to take me away from my mate." Finn says. He has a huge blush across his face making him appear tomato like.

"Yes. It's about time Ned finds his mate maybe he will stop sulking about and actually enjoy life." Murphy laughs. Ned looks up redder than Finn.

"I do not sulk." He defends.

"Yes you do babe but it is ok." Finn kisses Ned and everyone smiles even wider.

"So adorable." I say.

Finn looks at me and shakes his head.

"Dont worry Finn i'm getting you back for everything you've ever done to me."I say. Finn looks at me wide eyed and almost scared. I laugh and lean against Aspen.

"Well this seems almost fair." Aspen says. I smile and look at Murphy. He looks happy but his eyes are full of sadness.

"Well now that all of that is out of the way lets drink to good fortune." Murphy says. I raise my glass of wine and take a sip.

Maybe we can all be happy.




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