Chapter 41

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Murphy sits down next to me and I see Violet shrinking in her seat away from Murphy.

"Sit straight don't let him intimidate you." I say. Violet straightens herself and hold her head high.

"Why did you side with Travis?" Murphy almost barks at her. I turn and look at Murphy and he backs off slightly.

"I didn't choose I wasn't even aware that there were sides. We were turned and told to do his biding or he would kill us. I am not ashamed of the fact that I did what I had to do to survive. I would do it again and again if I was put in the same circumstances. I wish I had known of you sooner and the fact that I could pick sides but I was not aware of this." Violet looks at Murphy with the determination that she looked at me with when we cornered her.

"I am sorry you had to go through that, but I need to know more about Travis. My pack is having to suffer from my father's mistakes and I can not allow him to keep making wolves. This is an exposer to the fact that there are supernatural beings that roam the Earth." Murphy says.

"He has a base camp on the outskirts of time. He thinks if he plants us in the industrial side of town it hides him, but a few of the other wolves let it slip one time he hides out in a old plantation home. I have never been, but what you should know is that there are some wolves that want out they don't want this. They never wanted to be in a war and when they realized this is what it was they tried, but Travis is. Well Travis is brutal." She holds her arm close to her body and looks at me.

"So he's in a plantation home that is good." Murphy says. "You did good Violet I mean no ill will towards you but Uriel will watch over you while you are here. I know you may not try to do anything but I don't have time to be watching over you, and Addy here already has someone she is keeping an eye on." Murphy looks at me with sadness in his eyes.

"I understand." Violet smiles and Uriel looks at her with a funny look but says nothing. I stand up when Murphy does and I follow him out the room, but stop to look at Violet one last time.

"I meant what I said about the potential you hold." I say. I follow Murphy into the hall and he lets out a breath.

"He is so close Addy and I don't know what to do." He rakes his hands through his hair and looks at me.

"We get a team of the best do recon if he is there we take him out and end this nightmare so we can go on about our lives. You heard what Violet said there are wolves that don't want anything to do with Travis so if we can get them on our side we can win this. I know we can win this." I put a hand on his shoulder and lean against him.

"As much fun as this has all been and becoming friends with you I miss my home." I say. He lets out a laugh and looks at me.

"Same it gets crazy having so many Alphas in one place."

"Yeah and I could whoop all y'all's asses." We walk outside just in time to see Aspen pulling up the drive.

He looks at me and I see my home.

Sorry I know this isn't the longest chapter ever but we are nearing the end.

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