Chapter 7

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 The walk to the house seemed like it stretched for an eternity. I listen to the woods and the things around me. I see the house come in to view. Aspen is sitting on the porch and looks like he is in deep thought. I make my way up the steps and pass Aspen he doesnt look up so I dont bother him almost glad not to be badgered about what was talked about in the war room. I make it to my room and turn on my music. I let the music blare through the house. I hear the door crack open and I look up and Aiden smiles at me.

"How did it go?" He ask through the music.

"Fine we yelled then talked I got it out of my system, but to be honest it hurt. It felt like the bond was breaking all over again. It felt like I was walking away again, but it also felt good. I felt so free like the weight of the world is off of my shoulders and I no longer have to worry about it." I say.

I lean over and turn the music down on my phone and look back to Aiden. He is sitting down on the couch next to the window.

"Well that's good. I guess Ansley really wanted to know how it went." 

"How did she?" I ask.

"Aspen called her after we left the room. He heard the yelling but blocked the rest of the conversation said it wasn't our business but I wanted to know and so did Ansley." Aiden says.

I shake my head at Aiden.

"You have balls of steel my friend." I say laughing.

"I do and it is a shame because they are such lovely balls." Aiden says.

"Ok well that made no damn sense but sure Aiden sure." I say.

"Aspen went to take care of some pack business and said he would be gone for a few days. We are to act as we would if he was here and he said he would call as soon as he could." Aiden says.

"That bastard." I say. "Leaving me here with you." I start to laugh at him as his face falls.

"Your such a bitch sometimes." He says.

"I try my damnest." 

"Want to check out the south border with me?" 

"I guess are the idiots coming with us?" I ask.

"Nah they are in the gym trying to impress the women here." I laugh and pull him up off the couch.

"Lets go look at a border buddy o'l pal." 


The woods are quiet and nothing seems to be moving. No animals nothing. Its like something doesn't want anything here. I walk along side Aiden and he is looking around as if he is waiting for someone to drop in on us.

"This is eerie." Aiden says.

"I know. It makes my skin crawl." I run my hands up and down my arms to bring some sort of warmth to them.

"Its weird I mean there is nothing here that would allow easy access to the area. I mean Murphy should have people running the border at all times so there should be nothing to stop that." Aiden says.

"Yeah and why are they picking the southern most border to cross on and why hasn't Alpha Stryder said anything about someone crossing his border. I mean Murphy's dad has a peace treaty with Grant's dad."

"Sure there isn't a rivalry that we don't know about. I mean if someone is slipping through the borders undetected its not completely rocket science. Someone has to be helping them cross, but the only hole is how has no one who is manning the borders not noticed the fact that a pack of almost twenty to thirty rouges are crossing at one time. I mean even if the Alpha is turning a blind eye someone in the pack is bound to notice. " I say.

"Not if the Alpha is using fear to keep them from talking." Aiden says.

"I don't think Grant would do that to his people. I mean I remember him from when we were kids and he didn't seem like the kind of person to just fuck with and entire pack just to satisfy a vendetta." I say.

"People change and you said it yourself when I first met you. No one really let you go to the meetings so something could have been going on that you didn't know about." Aiden says.

"Lets just look around before we go accusing people of treason." I say.

"I'm just saying Murphy isn't your cookie cutter shape nice man. He is mean when he wants to be. I mean he is letting a girl parade around just to embarrass her." 

"Lets just find something to take to Aspen and Murphy." I say.

I walk around the border and take in a deep breath and start coughing. I drop to my knees feeling my lungs tightening up. I try to yell out but I cant say anything its like something has me by the throat and isn't letting anything in. I grasp at my lungs and I can feel the burning spread throughout my body. I can see Aiden dropping to the ground. His eyes start rolling into the back of his head and I reach out for him. I can feel my eyes growing heavy. I fight to keep my eyes open. I roll onto my side and notice something purple growing up from the ground.

I crawl towards the plant and yank it out of the grown. My entire hand burns on contact and I let out a muted yell. I sling the plant as far as I can from me. I lift my body up off the ground and grab Aiden. He looks at me through hooded eyes. I pull him as far as I can until I completely collapse on the ground. 

"Adalyn! Aiden!" I look up and Jason and Sam are running towards me and Aiden. I shake my head trying to warn them but I succumb to the darkness and all I can feel is a nice warmth.

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