Chapter 8

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 I sit up with a pounding headache. I rub my temples and look around the room. No one is in the room except a nurse who is looking at my monitor.

"Glad you are up Alpha Murphy is going to be pleased." She says. I look at her as she retreats out the room.

I can hear shouting in the hall. I stand up and rip the needles out of my arm. I stumble to the door frame and hold on as if it is the only thing keeping me alive.

"Its been fucking three weeks and your just now telling me that Adalyn is in the fucking infirmary!" I can hear Aspen yelling.  Wait what three weeks. I've been out for three weeks?

"I didn't think it would matter." Murphy says. He is looking at Aspen.

"Doesn't matter she is my beta!" Aspen yells.

"I thought Aiden would have informed you." Murphy says. Ned stands next to the two men.

"Aiden is dealing with the rouges who keep at your borders when did you think he would have the time! He has been putting his life on the line for your people! Aiden hasn't had the time between him waking up not a week ago and dealing with your mess!" Aspen yells. Rouges? Since when were they back?

"Why do you really care Aspen!? Why does Adalynn mean so much to you?" Murphy ask.

"Because she is my family! She is my pack! She is my beta!" Aspen yells out. Everyone in the halls have stopped what they are doing and are looking at both of the Alphas yelling at each other. Not one of the nurses have noticed that I have made my way out of the bed and have joined them in the hallway.

"Aspen." I call out. He turns and looks at me. All the anger on his face melts away in an instant and he smiles. I try to walk  but cant get enough energy to move. I almost fall but Aspen grabs me and carries me back to bed. He sits down next to me. I lay my head against his shoulder as he lays me back on the bed and covers me up. 

"How were things with Alpha Pete?" I ask.

"Later. For now I just want you to get better." Aspen says.

"I am better. Three weeks of sleep is plenty." I say.

"Not nearly I want you to be fully healed. Your lucky Ansley isn't here." He says.

"Oh my goddess. You didn't tell her did you?" I ask.

"No only the goddess would be able to save us from her wrath. I only just found out that you were down. " Aspen says.

"Goddess help us then." I laugh.

"I cant believe no one told me that you had been hurt." He says. 

"I'm not hurt. It is wolfs bane. There is a shit ton of it growing at the south border. If the rouges are coming through there that is why they wouldn't have known it, but what I haven't figured out is how are wolves getting through without any kind of sickness or illness." I say.

"I don't know."

"I mean if humans were helping them then maybe they would be able to make it through the wolfs bane."

"Don't over think it Addy I don't want you to over exert yourself." Aspen says. He moves to get up and I grab his arm and pull him back onto the bed.

"Stay with me please." I mumble. I yawn and pull him close to my body.

"I will stay with you Addy." Aspen lays back and pulls me half way onto his chest.

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