Cheater! Shōyō Hinata x Reader I

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Play Music💓


  How can someone be so fake?

~(Y/n) POV~

  My eyes fluttered open as the bright sun shined down on me. I could hear birds chirping their song. I sat up in my bed looking around.

  I then realized my alarm never went off...

  Looking at my phone made me panic! School was going to start soon! I rapidly grabbed my things and left.

  I quickly made my way to school to be slapped with reality.

  It was raining...

Not raining, but pouring. Could this day get any worse?! First, I'm late, second, It's pouting now what?

Just before the first bell rang I made it on time, but in return, my belongings and I stood all soaking wet!

Everyone looked at me oddly, like I've never seen the news before. I felt so embarrassed that my face was red.

"Hey, you!" A loud voice yelled out. My body froze hoping I wasn't being dress coded.

"Your clothes are all wet, go change into your P.E clothes!" It was the dean that was shouting. I groaned at how bad this day had been already.

  I wasted more time changing into my P.E clothes. I got a late pass to return to class, but I was still irritable.

  Once, I got in class everyone was already settled in. My teacher was already taking notes on a new

  Everyone's stares pierced through me. To the right of me, I saw girls whispering to each other.

  I sat down in my seat taking my things. I continued to finish my notes as quickly as possible.

~ At lunch ~

I was extremely hungry and tired. I sat down on a bench eating my food. As I was eating I felt a sudden urge of sickness. I ran immediately to the bathroom. Girls were already crowded doing there their makeup.

I ran into a stall and puked my stomach out. Was there something my food? I heard girls laughing.

My cheeks grew red as I washed my mouth out and left. I still felt sick to my stomach, but it eased up a bit.

I pulled out my phone texting Hinata, hoping he could comfort me. Then I realized that me and him had a date after school.

Finally, something good today.



[Hey are we still on for today? ☺️]

[Sorry, no I have practice]


  I sighed heavily, the one thing to look forward to was now canceled. Today was just not my day.

  Now, that I think about it when he missed a date with me it was because he was tired from Volleyball Practice, I Shrugged it off and told him it's okay.

  Now it's happening more frequently then I'd like. I knew being upset or displeased with him wouldn't be the best.

  It's getting to the point where I'm starting to doubt our relationship. I then decided to walk toward the roof for a fresh breathe air.

  As I opened the door and continued to walk on the roof. I then heard a familiar voice laughing. I looked at whoever owned that voice.

  My eyes widened in shock seeing Hinata, holding hands with a girl. He kissed her and she kissed him back. I could feel my heart crushed shattering into pieces. I clenched My shirt I wished to cry right then and there.

  People took advantage of me too often. I looked up and saw that their kiss had gotten more intense. I couldn't hold it in anymore I ran up to them to try and break them apart when Hinata stood up.

"(Y/n), don't hurt her!" Hinata said.

  In my mind, I wasn't going to hurt her, but simply pull them apart.

  Hinata, treated me like I was going to hurt her. He pushed me away from her Only, he pushed me too hard. I feel over the railings of the school roof.

  I fell until I felt a dreadful Pain Shooting through my body. Then everything went black.

"Why, did this day have to be so terrible?"

  Thank you so much for reading this was done by me and my wonderful co-author

  I'll see you all later bye☺️


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