Cheater! Taketora Yamamoto x Reader

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Date: 9/8/20

--( Taketota's POV)--

  I sighed, as my boss just informed me my hours will be increased without extra pay. I was very tensed knowing (Y/n), and I are expecting a baby girl. I couldn't afford a child now that pay had been cut lower.

  As I was driving home I felt all the fatigue took over. I struggled to keep my eyes open.

   Finally, reaching home I walked in to see all the lights already turned off. I didn't notice how late it was, but was happy to see food wrapped and still waiting to be eaten.

  I was too tired so, I walked to my bedroom. I heard a snoring (Y/n), sleeping soundly. A smile crept up my face seeing her pregnant belly showing.

  I change into comfortable clothes and laid right next to (Y/n), holding her belly. Soon my body relaxed and I drifted off to sleep awaiting another day stress...

*Annoying Ass Alarm Clock Going Off*

The time seemed to have fastened. Luckily (Y/n), was still sleeping soundly. I kissed her forehead, then got ready for another long day.

I just hoped things could get better...

~(Y/n) Pov~

  I felt lips press against my forehead. Happiness filled my body. Tora has been working incredibly hard. I feel bad not being able to help him, but he's so busy with work.

  Soon, after he left I made myself breakfast and did house chores. I couldn't do much since being pregnant wasn't fun.

  I easily get exhausted and hungry. (A/n: honestly me 27/7.) In the end, it would be worth it. To bring a baby girl into this world.

  I rubbed my stomach thinking of the future. I can't wait to see it...

-Taketora's Pov-

  It was already late at night. I really need a drink so, I decided to go to a local bar.

  My stress is really getting to me, so I thought letting lose was a great idea. Once, I got to the bar I ordered a couple shots. The more I drank, the more my stress melted away.

What happened seemed like a blur to me. My body went on adventure to what seems a different world.

~( Y/n) Pov~

It's very late at night more like super early in the morning. I was awaiting my husbands return, but as the second goes the more I lose hope.

The least I could do for him was to cook him his food. I know it isn't much, but every little thing matters.

I then laid down on my bed closing my eyes falling in too deep slumber...

- Months later (4) -

My stomach was getting much bigger I was getting closer to my due date. Tora seems to be busier with work.

I was watching tv till I heard a knock on the door. I got up slowly walking toward the door checking her it is.

I see a younger-looking woman waiting patiently. I opened the door full of curiosity.

"Hi, is Yamamoto here?" She asked sweetly.

"He's not, but I could tell him you were here."

"Okay, give him this and tell him I want money for child support." She then handed me a positive pregnancy test.

My heart shattered. This had to be a mistake he's already expecting a baby with me, why would he get another random girl pregnant?

"You have to be mistaken My husband and I already are expecting a baby there's no possible way." My words we're broken apart. My tears rolling down my face.

"I'm sorry, but he's the only one I could've been impregnated with." She said before leaving.

I looked down at the pregnancy test in my hands. I then fell to my knees squeezing the test in my hands sobbing my heart out.

After, a couple of minutes I got up packed my things and pulled out a piece of paper I then started writing with all my heart and would hope it could reach him.

~ Taketora's Pov~

Today was another long day. I unlocked the front door and took off my shoes. The house was so much more quite then it usually is. None of the lights were on not even the bedroom.

I then noticed a piece of paper on the counter.

Dear the love of my life,
I lived thinking are life as parents was going to be great. It may have just been me that you wanted to start a family with someone else...
It breaks my heart to know the family we have right now wasn't good enough for you. I hope you have fun paying for her child support.

- Love, (Y/n)

My tears then splashed onto the paper soaking not only the paper but the words written on it...

Hello, another update :) I hope you enjoyed this :3

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