Cheater! Kenma Kozume x Reader

19K 357 542

Originally: 652 word-count

Now: 1149

Play Music🍥

~(Y/n), POV~

I fluttered my eyes, as dawn came about. My eyes felt very heavy from my sleep schedule.

Suddenly, I felt vibrations from my phone.

I sighed, looking for the device. Kenma was calling me, but just when I was about to answer, the ringing stopped.

Immediately, I called him back knowing Kenma, wasn't a morning person. Him calling this early, implied it was important.

The phone resumed to ring with no answer. Even after, a second attempt, there was still no answer.

I figured, "maybe he just accidentally called me" If it was on purpose, he would've answered.

It was the weekend, so I didn't want to worry about it. I turned off my phone, shutting my eyes falling into deep slumber.


  I woke up to a quick ring. It was hours later. I looked at my phone too see a text notification from Kenma.

From: Kenma😻

[Sorry I didn't mean to call u]

[It's fine☺️]-


I wonder, who was he trying to call? Must've been something important. I then had an idea.


-[Hey, can I come over to play some games:)]

-[Sorry not today I have people coming over. So, I'll see you at school.]


I was disappointed by Kenma's, reply. We always hung out during the weekend. Kenma and I are both busy during school days so, we never really get to talk.

Volleyball occupied most of Kenma's, time after school as well. As much as I wanted to get mad I decided to ask someone else to hang out with.

I decided to call my best friend, (B/F/N), the person who knows me better than I know myself.

I grabbed my phone and called her.


"Hello?" (B/F/n) answered.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at the arcade?" I asked hoping the outcome would be a yes.

"Oh, definitely what time?" She asked excitedly.

"Hmm, maybe... 6?" I announced.

"That sounds good, I'll meet you there!" She said before hanging up.

  I giggled happily knowing I could still have a fun weekend. I laid down awaiting for the fun memories. Then I realized it was still the morning and it was long before 6 (18:00).

Cheater!!! Haikyuu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now