Shinji Watari x reader pt.1

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Ok this Idea was by weirdoAF01135 thank you so much for this idea

(Y/n) POV

It was early in the morning and I woke up to a empty bed. Walked down stairs to only hear silence. When to the kitchen with no scent of food.  I walked around the house to only be found by myself. It seemed as everyday I wake  up the same way. No difference
Even when I go to sleep. Silence. Empty bed, and lastly a lonely house. But this house wasn't just full of silence and emptiness. It was once full of laughter, love, happiness, joy, and noises(not like that). I hardly ever see him. He's always at work. Never ever making time for me.  Not even are anniversary. But when I do see him it's when he's drunk. Then that's when the arguing comes in. Yelling, crying, words we don't mean come out of are mouths. But the worst thing is the silence. The silence is what kills me.

Weeks later

I woke up to not hear no silence. But I hear something being cooked. As I walked down the stairs toward the kitchen. I saw a figure. A figure that I haven't seen in awhile it was...Watari!!! I quietly went to the kitchen. Watari was cooking breakfast. He must've heard me and turned toward me and smiled. The smiles showed me happiness. He than canes up to me and hugged me. Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I hug him back.

To be continued

Okay I have to say a lot, first I'm sorry for not updating second this is going to be a part1 because it would have been to long. We're almost at 3k. If I don't make a story for it than thank you Well I'll see y'all later bye

~ nanashimamia

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