Cheater! Nobuyuki Kai x Reader

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~ Listen to Music🍥~

~(Y/n) POV ~

   My boyfriend, Kai, is a very quiet person. Not to mention he can get very serious fast. Sometimes it takes me by surprise because of the sudden change of mood.

    He believes as Vice-Captain of Nekoma's Volleyball Team, he has to take things seriously. I tried to make him understand that he doesn't have to be serious.

    As his girlfriend, I should be able to understand him more right? He's just so difficult to understand. A difficult to understand that now he pushes me off now.

His main priority was volleyball. I understand it's important to him, but to push off your own girlfriend is a little... Excessive.

Today, was another volley ball game. I always went and supported Kai, but if he couldn't support me I didn't seem the point in making an effort.

Finally, after what felt like years the school bell finally ringed. I gathered my items and headed home.

"(Y/n), you aren't going to the Volleyball game?" Momoka asked. Honestly, she was annoying. Normally, I wouldn't call someone that, but every time I wasn't around Kai she would be all over him.

"No, I'm not why?" I asked the black-haired female.

"Kai really needs support and you want to go home! You're honestly, a terrible girlfriend." Momoka's words only made me want to punch her. As a mature woman, I didn't let my anger get the best of me.

"Whatever." I defused the situation by walking away. I had school work to do anyway I needed to take time as an advantage right now.

I still felt bad about, not being able to attend Kai's game so I thought sending a text would help.

To: Kai💓

"Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your game! I hope you guys win!💓"

   I then put my phone in my pocket focusing on walking home. I never got a reply, so I guessed he was busy warming up.

   I continued with my day eventually reaching my house. No one was home yet so I took the opportunity to eat something. I filled my stomach up with ramen while studying for a test.

    The day grew darker while I spent time on homework. I took a quick break to look at my phone seeing several messages none from Kai. I turned off my phone really losing my hope.

    I decided to take a shower to ease my body. The water was nice and warm, feeling it hit my skin relaxed my physique.

   I lathered the pink soap bar bathing my body. Washing my (H/c) silky hair with shampoo and conditioner. I finished my shower and felt relaxed.

   I made my way back to my room picking up my phone. More messages piled up from people I didn't even know. I couldn't see any of the messages from my lock screen. I guessed they were pictures rather than texts.

    I decided to open one seeing one from an unrecognizable number. As the picture loaded I felt a stab in my heart. Tears ran down my face. Indescribable emotions cluttered. I dropped my phone holding my hands on my heart.

      The phone on the floor displayed a picture of Kai and Momoka kissing. Many people sent this exact photo.

   I broke down letting my cries be heard. My heart-shattering in pieces as more photo's of that exact scene unfolded.

   I couldn't understand the reason for this, but it felt like I never understood him from the beginning.

    I laid on my bed curling into a ball crying. My eyes were blurry and red from my tears. I eventually fell asleep...

    I woke up feeling tired and helpless. I looked at my phone seeing more text messages. I awakened just before my alarm( the best feeling in the world) went off.

   At second glance I saw a text from Kai. My heart dropped seeing the name. I wondered what he could have possibly had said?

From Kai💓:

"Thank you, we won because of your love💓"

I threw my phone to the floor.

"BULLSHIT!" I yelled in anger. My feelings felt even more hurt. You can't tell some you love them then cheat!

   I cried harshly gripping my hair. This hurt like hell. Being lied about being loved...

I slowly put clothes and freshened up. Ate breakfast and set off for school. I had eye bags, red eyes, and a stuffy nose. Everyone sensed I wasn't feeling well l. Except Momoka.

"(Y/n), the game was great!" She seemed to not care at all about how I felt. She wanted to take this time to say she, "won."

"I'm sure you did." I wasn't going to take out my anger on her, but on the person who knew they were in a relationship.

I kept walking to my first class hoping I wouldn't bump into Kai. As usual, things never go my way.

I hit a hard chest that almost made me fall. My hand was caught by none other than Kai.

I avoided eye contact from him at all costs. Just being near him made a tear fall from my face.

"(Y/n), why are you crying?" He asked innocently.

My anger boiled at his words.

My voice grew louder as I spoke.

"How? How can you ask like you didn't do anything! I saw all the photos!" I made sure to keep my voice quiet. I pulled out my phone and showed him a picture of the two.

His eyes widened in surprise.

"I-its not what it looks like!" Like what every man said.

Before he could utter another word my hand struck him. I then ran into the girl's bathroom crying.

I felt lied too... why even bother with love if it didn't mean anything?


Hello everyone! I've been editing a lot of stuff lately😌 I hope you enjoyed this and I'll see y'all later bye💓

Ps. Thank you sooooo much for 90-95k😭😘

(Not Proofread)


Cheater!!! Haikyuu x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora