Cheater! Tōru Oikawa x Reader

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Date: 8/10/20

~(Y/n) Pov~

  I was the girlfriend of one of the most popular guys at our school. That really isn't important to me, but to others it is.

  Lots of girls constantly, "confess their love, " To Oikawa knowing he has a girlfriend.

  It's always a little heartbreaking to know people we're so desperate. Luckily, Oikawa, never liked any of them back.

  But, sometimes I can only wonder if he would accept one of them.

  I shook my head. I can't think of things like that! As a couple, I have to have my faith in him!

  Besides things are going well for us! We constantly hang out and have fun together!

  Even, when he has Volleyball games, I always make sure to support him and even practice with him!

  I then snapped out of my thoughts once I arrived at Oikawa's house. I realized the walk here with him was awfully quite.

  He unlocked his front door letting me in.

   "Hey, you gonna have to wake up early tomorrow, I kinda have things to do," Oikawa said.

  "Sure..." My words trailed off.

  I was super tired and just wanted to sleep. Once I was in his room it smelt like? Perfume...

  His bedsheets we're messed up and things were on the floor. It was quite messy...

I changed into a large T-shirt that Oikawa, supplied me with.

After, changing and washing my face I fell asleep on his bed not saying a single word to each other.

-The Next Morning-

I woke up to a tapping on my shoulder. I rubbed my eyes and got out of the bed.

"Its time to wake up, I would walk you home, but I have things to do." He said strictly while fixing his bed.

I nodded in agreement, as I started to get my things together. My eyes were still heavy, but I forced myself to stay awake.

I then started my journey back to my house. Oikawa and I have been quite distant recently. (#SocialDistancing)

I doubt it's something to worry about...

- Days Later -

Things have been pretty rocky with Oikawa. We don't hand out, talk, or even see each other!

I could only hope it isn't my fault.

Then, I decided to get him a gift, maybe he's just stressed from volleyball right now...


[Hey, are you free today?]

[No, I'll be gone the entire day]

[Oh ok maybe some other time]


I sighed losing my hope, but then I got a good idea. I could just leave the gift at his house!
  Then I got my things and headed toward his house.


  Once, I got to his house I reached under the doormat and opened the door. I took off my shoes before walking any farther.

  I then heard some time of noise? Oikawa, wasn't supposed to be here. My feet started walking by themselves.

  Soon, I was in front of his door. My hands twisted open the door open. I then saw a disturbing sight...

  Oikawa was on top of a girl. Both were naked and sweaty.

  I screamed alerting the two. Tears running down my eyes I ran out of the house. My body felt heavy and weak.

  Tears blurred my vision as I continued to run. A bright beam of light appeared in my vision.

  The sound of a car honking was loud, but then when silent.

  I suddenly felt pain throughout my body. I then hit a sudden euphoria my body and head feeling clear everything.

  My body then hit the hard floor. My mind is completely clear of all the events that lead up to right now...

~Oikawa Pov~

I heard the cry of (Y/n). My heart shattered feeling her brokeness. I got myself together and ran after her. The door was wide open.

I hurried outside looking for (Y/n).

My eyes landed on a lifeless (Y/n).

I ran toward (Y/n), embracing the lifeless person.

"Someone call 119!" I yelled. (Just like to mention I looked up Japan's emergency number if it is incorrect let me now:)

Soon an ambulance pulled up to us and loaded (Y/n), into the vehicle. My tears fell down my face as I watched the scary sight.

- At the hospital -

   "(Y/n), has endured terrible injury's. A lot of it is located on her head. These a good possibility of long-term memory loss." The Doctor explained to me. 

  I nodded understanding (Y/n), as possibly not remember anything.

This was all my fault...

  Hi! I hope you enjoyed this remake I combined part 1+2! School is starting with me ;(
  I'll try and update, but online school sucks

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