Cheater! Tobio Kageyama x Reader

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Ok, so I completely redid this one. I did NOT like what I originally had it just cringe. So this is a completely new story so I hope you enjoy it!

♡︎keep playing music♡︎

Word Count: 1024

Kageyama POV

It's another day. Naturally, I would be excited, but it's changed. I've been feeling like this for at least a month now. The feeling of having the most attractiveness in somebody and it just disappears hurts. I feel, "bored" not because of her, but because of time. It hurts me because when I hug or kiss her there's no passion. It's as if I'm only doing it because I don't want to hurt her.

KAGEYAMA! I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard (y/n) call me. Perfect timing I guess.

"Hi, love, how are you?" (y/n) said.

"I'm doing good now that you're here," I said.

I keep putting on a mask. I just don't want her to see me as a jerk.

We reached at school just in time. Then, we separated our ways and left class.
Should I break up with her? No, she would be devastated. I could never do that to her she's a kind, loving, and beautiful person that I can't do that to her.

"Mr. Kageyama, can you please read this page to the whole class?" My teacher said. "Oh yeah, I'm sorry," I said surprised. I guess I need to think about this later.

Passing period

I was still lost in my ideas as I was paying for milk from the vending machine.
"Hey," Momoka said.

If I was being honest I kinda had feelings for her. Is that considered cheating?

"Oh um hi," I said calmly.

"I was thinking maybe after school we can go get ice cream?" She said blushing.

"Sure that would be nice." I chuckled at the thought of me and her hanging out.

After school
I walked toward Momoka's classroom I felt uneasy. Maybe it's because it's a date with Momoka? No, it's because this isn't right. I have a girlfriend, but nothing going to happen I should be fine.

"Hey, thanks so much for waiting for me shall we get going?" She said with lots of enthusiasm.

"Um Yeah, also do you mind if I pay?" I asked her.

"You would thank you Kageyama!" she said cheerfully.

The walk there wasn't quite like I was expecting. We rather we're getting along. Once we arrived we both ordered and I paid. We sat on a bench and... Talked.

"It's getting late I should get going!" Momoka said.

"Do you want me to walk you to your house?" I asked concerned.

"No, it's fine," she said.

She then got really close to me
"Umm I really liked this!" she said fastly and then kissed me. The old me would've... Gotten mad but for some reason I enjoyed it. Instead of pulling away I... Kept it going. For so long we both lost our breaths.

"Umm, I guess I'll see you later?" I said embarrassed.

"Heres my number." She said while giving me a piece of paper.

"Um, thanks ill make sure to call you bye."

We parted our ways. All I could think was, How amazing it was. It was as if it was meant to be!

As soon as I got home I texted her. Our conversation went on forever! I was dazed at how good it was going so far.

Friday night.

Luckily I didn't have volleyball practice today so I just stayed at home watching tv. As I was watching the program. I felt my phone vibrate.
From: Momoka🤤
"Hey, do you wanna... Come over?"
"Sure right now?"
"Yea I was thinking maybe we can do something😏"
"Ok, I'll be there soon."

~(Y/n) POV~
Saturday morning

Honestly, I've been feeling lonely for the past week. Kageyama and I, haven't spent a lot of time like we used to. Maybe today we can do something together today!


"Hey, love, I was hoping me and you can go to the mall today.💓 "
Hopefully, he responds.

Kageyama POV

I woke up to vibrate. I slowly moved my body toward my phone, I didn't want to wake Momoka up.

From: (Y/N)💓

"Hey, love, I was hoping me and you can go to the mall today.💓"

"Sorry, I'm going to be busy today."

From: (Y/N)💓

"Oh okay, maybe some other time!"

I turned off my phone and just looked at the ceiling.

"Why haven't you broken up with her?" Momoka asked while holding her blanket around her body.

"I don't know how to do it," I said without emotion.

"I'll do it later..."

Days later

(y/n) POV

I haven't seen or spoken to Kageyama for weeks. I feel that maybe I should go visit him. I packed some things because I was thinking of staying over. I got everything and left.

I arrived at its house. I wanted it to be a surprise so I took the key from under his matt. I unlocked the door and walked in. I went straight to his room. I heard laughing so I thought he was just watching something. I opened the door. He was talking to his phone more like on face time. But the last words I heard was
"I love you Momoka bye."
I stood there shocked. My boyfriend of 2 half years telling another girl he... Loves her.

"I-i-its not what you think!" he jumped out of his best

"So you weren't telling another girl you love her?!" I shouted at him

He gave me puppy eyes. Looking like he was about to cry.

"I'm sorry! I still love you more!" he yelled

"BULLSHIT," I yelled at him

"IF YOU LOVED ME THIS WOULDNT HAVE EVER HAPPENED!" I was out of patience at this point. I just left

How could he dare say he loves me, but ignore me like I'm nothing!

I'm done he can kiss my ass

He may think I'm some type of joke to cry over an asshole like him

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