Takahiro Hanamaki x reader

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So this ones gonna be a basic one and also boring sorry. Hope you enjoy

(Y/n) POV the past

Wake up my mother said. As I started getting up slowly I realized it was the day. Today I was having a play date today with takahiro. ( Their kids btw) I hurried out of my bed to get dressed and eat. I was going as fast as I could not wanting to be late. As we finally arrived at the park after like a millions of years. I saw takahiro look at me with his smiling face waving toward me. I ran up and hugged him. Seeing his blushing face always made me smile. His face would turn red when are parent said "awww."seeing him embarrassed was always something I smile about. Even when I get older it will always make me smile

(Y/n) POV present

When I was little I remember always smiling when takahiro would blush. Now that we're a thing he doesn't. He shows no affection toward me but "hi."and a face that seems bored. It hurt my heart so bad to see that he's not smiling or blushing. When I go to his volleyball games he's always having a fun time and smiling but when he's with me he's on his phone bored. I thought seeing him blush again would be something I would be so happy about but this time when I saw him blush it wasn't toward me it was another girl. She was pretty and popular everything a boy would want in a woman. After seeing him blush to not me but someone else I Tried not cry but when I got home I let it all out. Just when it seemed when I stopped cry and went to sleep for 5 minuets I woke up in morning. I didn't want to school but maybe I was just over reacting maybe he was just laughing a lot with his friends and it me him look like he was blushing.

At school

Walking through my heat beat started to get faster and faster. Everything slowed down. Every little moment went slow. Even the tiniest things slowed down to make it look like they weren't even moving. Finally after what felt like a million years I was in the schools hallways( where the lockers are) everything stopped. All the color I could see was black and white. But all the color went to someone's blush in their Cheek. That blush was something I saw when I was little and and always made me smile. Like before not only did it hurt me but it made tears instead of smiles. The blushed face had a girls face connect to his lips. The blushed face was my boyfriend takahiro...
His blush is what made me smile....
His blush was everything to me
But if his blush isn't mine no longer what do I have?
I have a broken heart that could never me fixed.....

Hi guys sorry I've been gone thank you for staying and being patient. Make sure to vote and comment I'll see y'all later bye

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