Cheater! Morisuke Yaku x Reader

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Date: 6/8/2020

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~(Y/n) POV~

I heard his words of lust run from his mouth. His words weren't directed toward me, his girlfriend, but we're overseen to some else. All of the memories then flashed before me...


"Hey! (Y/n)-San, do you think you can finish my math homework for me?" My body shivered to hear his voice.

   Yaku was always a caring person to me, but sometimes I did feel used by him. He's very charming and warm-hearted.

It felt like he would take advantage of his charisma and ask me to do his homework.

"Can't you do your own homework?" I asked him irritated.

"Sorry, I have a volleyball game and I won't come home till late, it would mean a lot of you could help me!" He said giggling with one hand behind his neck. I blushed at the cuteness of Yaku.

I looked down and nodded yes. I, normally, would've declined his offer, but I had a slight crush on Yaku.

"Thank you, (Y/n)-San, You're the best!" He said while giving her a few pieces of paper. I smiled back at him and waved.

I saw a slight pink brush across his face. He then smiled and ran off. I looked at the homework seeing or was quite simple. I realized Yaku, never gave me homework that was difficult. It was always something simple.

I blushed thinking, "does he do it on purpose?" I exhaled deeply and started walking to my house.

The walk was very calm and delicate. I finally made my way home and did my usual. Eating, watching some videos, doing homework, and relaxing.

I scrolled through my phone for a while before feeling sleepy. I put my phone away and closed my eyes the sensation of my body resting was heaven.


*Alarm going off*

I just wanted to turn off my phone and sleep, but I got up anyway and started my morning routine.

I left the house just in time to see Yaku walking to school. He looked over at me and smiled walking toward me,

"(Y/n)-San, thank you so much!" Yaku then ruffled my hair smiling.

I blushed harshly over his actions. I took out my bag and handed him the assignment.

He bowed and took the assignment putting it inside his bag. We continued walking together all the way to school. We both went to a complete stop.

"Hey, um, (Y/n)-San, could you meet me at my locker, after school." Yaku blushed looking down.

I became several shades of red while avoiding eye contact.

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