Hajime Iwaizumi x reader *remade*

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Originally 238 words now 1111 (💀)
( omg this was so shitty I can't believe I wrote this🥱)

(Y/n) POV
How could I ever explain love? Love was just so difficult that giving a definition with significance was complicated. Who can be loved and who can't? Does everyone receive love or is it only people who show importance to another. In other words... People who care about you. I've never seen a "good" example of affection. Affection looked more like hate in my eyes. Arguing over sometime simple, being loyal, and finally being affectionate wasn't something my parents had with each other. They never showed me what love was. I've never really felt it either. Being the only child seemed like the worst thing to my parents. Always making hurtful comments like, " We should have aborted you, you were an accident, I never wanted you." These were only a small portion of what I hear on the daily. They argue almost every day about me. I really want to get away from it, but there's no chance. Living through it is my only option.

I was still very young when my parents finally got a divorce. My dead beat dad got another woman. This was more good news for my mother since this gave her a reason to get away from this hell. I don't blame her I would've too. This became her encouragement to become successful. While she did, she now owned a successful business. In a fast amount of time as well. During her whole "moment" I had to stay with my dad. We lived with his girlfriend for quite some time. We didn't have quite a lot of money so getting food, clothes, and school supplies always turned into a mess. My high school was also dirt poor. Education wasn't honestly good. I was always was bullied for my clothes and dumb enough for my phone. I respected everything I had even if it was "tacky". The show still had to go on right?

(After school)

Another terrible day. It was raining and not having the money to buy an umbrella was hell. Walking home was normal but in rain, it was quite irritating.
I heard my phone ringing so I reached into my phone and read the screen...

It was my mom

She doesn't call me a lot since she's always busy. I quickly answered thinking this was urgent.

"Hello?" I answered

"(Y/n)!! Darling good news, your moving in with me pack all you're things and my driver will come and pick you up, bye hun!."
*call ended*

What the fuck just happened... I ran home quickly to clear this dilemma. Once I arrived all my stuff was already packed and was outside the door. I tried opening the door, it wouldn't open even with my key. What was happening?! I just sat there on the steps and waited to see what would happen...

Finally, a fancy car pulled up to my house. The driver got out of the car and opened the passenger door. I stood there in shock.

"Miss (L/n), I am Hikaru, I am your driver."

"Um, o-okay." This all caught me by surprise. I just got in the car while Hikaru grabbed my belongings and placed them in the trunk of the car. Before I knew it we were driving. Maybe a nap wouldn't be so bad?

I woke up to the car coming to a stop. I looked around to see my surroundings. It was beautiful...

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