Chapter 1

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London. That's where I am right now. I'm here to find myself; university, friends and family are a heart beat away. I just needed some time to be me and figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Walking down the streets looking for a good hotel was a hard job, but as I reached a familiar club everyone often spoke about I decided to have a drink before searching again. There was a crowd surrounding the entrance and loud voices and flashes.

"Your not good enough to be in one direction" was all I heard before I realised what was going on.
Being a directioner and having a fan account from when I was in college may have been the reasons why I did what I did. I think it's time someone finally stood up to the foul mouthed paparazzi.

"Hey! Say that again, I dare you!" I shouted.
"Who do you think you are, does it make you feel good putting someone down? Get a proper job you dick" the anger was rushing through my veins, and it was harder to control it when he answered back.
"I'll pull you down with one right hook you little bitch" and that's all it took before my knee met his crotch.
"That's what happens when your disrespectful. Now piss off" I watched as he ran through the crowd.
My breathing was heavy, I blame my actions on adrenaline but I knew it's because I wanted to 'protect' the band who shaped my teenage years. I took one final breath before turning around to see 6 shocked faces. Faces that I know very well. Zayn, Liam, Niall, Louis, Harry and Lou. I smiled and walked into the club, not allowing them to utter a word to me. I'm positive any of their fans in my position would have done the same. I think they were more shocked that I was probably around their age...
As I ordered my drink I saw the crowd around a booth grow and I realised they had walked in straight after me. I smiled to myself and focused back on my drink. My phone rang constantly with my sister wanting to make her last minute wedding preparations before her big day. I switched it off not realising there was a tall handsome stranger standing right next to me. It only took a second to realise who it was.
"Thanks for what you did back there" Zayn said, I smiled and told him not to worry about it.
"Join us for a drink? Everyone's eager to talk to you".
"I'm really not that interesting" I said as I smiled at the group in front of me. Zayn chuckled
"come on, you can't be that bad" I laughed, shaking my head. I had nothing to lose I thought to myself as I followed him to their booth.

"Hello, it's lovely to meet you all I'm Y/N" I said to group of smiling faces in front of me. They all chanted a series of 'hello's' and hey's' with a smile as wide as my own.
"I don't think we need an introduction do we love?" Louis said laughing and winking at me. I chuckled lightly
"not at all Louis" I said winking back at him. I pointed at each one naming them.
"Niall, Liam, Harry, Lou, Josh, Sandy and of course Zayn" I said grinning at him. I'm guessing Josh and Sandy were already in the club because I don't remember seeing them outside.
They all began laughing, and I noticed Harry being a little on edge? If that's the right word to use. I tried to ignore it.
"Sit down" Zayn said and I took a seat next to Liam.
"So awkward question, who's your favourite?" Louis said with that cheeky grin that gets everyone's heart racing.
"Well I use to be a directioner.." before I could finish my sentence someone cut me off.
"Use to be?!" Liam piped up. I laughed unable to stop myself, his facial expression was a mixture of offence and amusement.
"I still am it's just I've been so busy with University, but I still stay updated on your music I promise" I said, genuinely telling the truth. Their Up All Night and Take Me Home album were stored In my iPod and iPhone.
"That's good! Now answer me woman!" Louis said in a not so convincing angry tone. I could tell he was trying to ease me into the group so I didn't feel like intimidated. I was grateful, at least the fandom as a whole had their personalities figured out to a T.
"Hmm well, I started off as a Louis girl" I started, winking at him
"But then I fell in love with Harry" I said looking at him. He gave me a smile which I returned.
"Eh what about us?" Niall said with his eyebrow raised.
"Hey hey let me finish" I said breaking into giggles.
"I use to write preferences on my Tumblr blog and well, writing about you 3 was my favourite" I stated blushing a little.
"Aww we've got ourselves the sweetest fan" Liam chuckled patting me on the back.
"You sure do"
The conversation carried on between the group. I grew quiet close to Liam and Zayn quickly, we had a lot in common and they seemed so fond in what I want to do with my life. I was grateful they showed interest, I felt like I had achieved less considering they were the biggest boy band in the world and I was a mere university student trying to get into radio or finding a radio internship.
"Come on Y/N let's dance" Niall said standing up and grabbing my hand. I laughed and shook my head
"I can't dance, I look like a drowning penguin I swear!" The ones closest to me began laughing at my small outburst.
"Come on I'll teach you" he said as he managed to convince me to dance with him with them beautiful blue orbs staring into my dull ones. They were hypnotizing and I knew I was in his command.

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