Chapter 18

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Harry P.O.V
Mum stepped outside and I followed hoping to find Y/N waiting on the porch. I felt horrible for not following her to see if she was okay. but i had to make sure things with mum was clear first before i spoke to Y/N and now i regretted that decision. I was left disappointed when I couldn't see her. I looked left and right hoping to find her but she was nowhere to be found. My disappointment soon turned into worrying as I began to wonder where she had gone. This was her first time in Cheshire and I knew she didn't know the first thing about this area. I looked over at mum only to see the same expression on her face. Worry. I tried giving her a small smile but she shook her head. Gemma and Robin stepped out the house and joined us. "You guys best get back in before fans start noticing" Robin said and I nodded before heading back into the house. The last thing I needed was fans surrounding the house, no matter how much I loved them I needed this time to sort things out between mum and Y/N. I pulled out my phone and began dialling her number only to have it go straight to voicemail. I called another three times only to have the same thing happen again.
"What's going on?" Gemma asked. I looked at mum waiting for her to answer the question. She sighed before telling Gemma what had happened in the corridor. "I made her feel like she wasn't good enough for Harry and the phone call she got was for an internship she applied for. But I made it seem like she used Harry to get that and she said she's going to call back and refuse the offer" mum filled in Gemma and Robin on what had happened while they were still sat in the living room, they both had livid faces. Robin hugged mum and whispered reassuring words in her ear. I was glad mum had Robin, he was a good guy.
All of a sudden my phone began ringing and I sighed in relief when I saw Y/N's name flashing. I quickly unlocked the phone and picked up the call. "Y/N? Y/N where are you?!" I said, you could hear the worry in my voice. She stayed quiet for a second, the only sound that could be heard was her breathing. "Y/N talk, you're worrying me" everyone's eyes were on me as I tried my hardest to get her to talk. I was surprised when she asked me to shush. "Sshhhh Harry they'll hear you" I frowned. "Who's goings to hear me?" I asked in concern. "Put her on speaker" Gemma asked. I could hear the worry in her voice now. I nodded and did as I was asked. Everything was quiet on the other end of the line. I was worrying now and it took me by surprise when I heard her giggle. "Harry are you still there?" She whispered. I quickly responded, feeling the breathe hitch in my throat. I didn't know what to expect. "I'm still here babe. Where are you?"
"Your fans" she breathed and I felt myself relax a little. To be honest I wasn't sure what I was expecting. I chuckled a little and I heard the others laugh quietly too. "I'm in hiding. I can't stop laughing! Please save me" she said in between stifled giggles. I smiled instantly at the sound of her laugh. I couldn't help it, she always had that effect on me. "They found you I see" I said. "Tell me where you are and I'll get you" things were quiet on the other end of the line and I was wondering if she was still there. Her voice pushed that thought out my mind. "I don't understand how they recognise me! I'm like everyone else here" she whisper shouted making me chuckle. "And boo if you come, it'll mean we'll both be trapped" I could hear the frown in her voice. "Okay okay" I said shaking my head. "Can you tell Anne to come? It'll give me a chance to prove how much I care about you. I want this, I want us and if that means making sacrifices then I'll happily do that" I smiled at what she said and I looked up to see the smile on mums face too. I asked her a silent question with my eyes, asking if that was okay and she nodded in response. "Mums coming to get you" I replied into the phone. I heard her squeal in happiness making me smile wider. "Yay thank you! And I'm at the park just a couple streets away from yours. I'm behind this shed thing. It's actually quiet beautiful here Harry. Now I know why you love it here so much" she said back and I could hear the happiness in her voice. When she was happy it made me happy. It sounds like a silly cliché but in all honesty, that's how's I felt about her. Mum was right when she said she wasn't like the others I had dated. She may be normal but she erupted these butterflies in my stomach and I had only experienced that once before. But that relationship was too public and everyone knew I shed some tears, I was young and I was getting use to the life I started after the X factor. "I knew you'd like it! Mums on her way" I said back to her before cutting the line.
Your P.O.V
I waited patiently behind the shed for Anne. The fans had spotted me outside the house and I knew that would cause tension on twitter when the rest of the fandom find out I was in Harry's Cheshire home. They began calling my name but I walked away, trying hard not to catch their gaze. Some fans were shouting, asking questions about what I was doing here and whether Harry was here too. Thankfully none of them saw me crying or else that would have caused more questions. When I managed to walk away from them, I ran. And now here I was, hiding behind a shed as eager fans walked around looking for where I had gone. I was caught up in my thoughts, that I didn't realise someone was stood beside me. I looked to my side and saw a smiling Anne. She had her hand stretched out which I hesitantly took and she walked me to the car. Fans noticed us as they ran behind us and started firing questions. "Anne! Anne! What's Y/N doing here?" "Omg is harry dating Y/N?" "Where are you going?" "Is Harry here too?" We decided to ignore the questions and quickly walk into the car. I turned around and smiled at the fans and gave them a little wave and Anne did the same too. She quickly started the engine and drove us away from the fans who were wondering what was going on. I didn't look at Anne, my gaze was fixed on looking outside the window. I had everything I wanted to say planned in my head as I waited, but now that it was time for me to talk I just couldn't form the words. I realised we weren't driving back to the house, instead she took me to a car park near some food stores and parked there. I looked at her with confusion however she only smiled in reply. "I told everyone we'd get some pizza on the way back" she said and walked out of the car. I waited impatiently in the car on my own as Anne walked into dominos and ordered some pizza. After 10 minutes she came back in. "They said they'll bring it to the car" she said and I nodded in response. We were silent for what felt like ages until I decided to break the tension that was oozing around the car. "Anne.." but she cut me off. "No Y/N. let me talk" I just nodded and waited for her to speak. "Everything I said back home was horrible and uncalled for. You didn't deserve that, no one does" I looked at her questioningly before I let my body relax. "It's okay Anne. But one thing keeps bothering me. You've never been like this towards any of Harry's exes. What makes me so cold?" I knew the question was nerve touching but I had to ask. It was eating away in my mind. And I had every right to ask. I was a fan before I met harry and I knew everything that went on seeing as Harry was always in the limelight and she was fine with all his exes. From Caroline to Taylor. What made me so evil.
She sighed before replying. "Your not a bad person. If I'm honest I'm glad Harry's dating someone who can keep him grounded. I was worried that's all. Like I said, he's never dated someone who wasn't in the limelight before" she gave me a small smile as she waited for my answer. It took a minute to process. I understood everything she was saying and If I was in her position I'd question it to. I smiled at her before replying "I understand Anne, I really do. But I would never do anything to hurt Harry and I would never use him. It was actually Liam who made me apply for that internship because he knew how much I wanted to fulfil my dream. I never told harry because I knew he had friends from the radio station and I didn't want to get the internship because of him, I wanted to get it on my own with my own ability" I took a deep breath as I opened up to my boyfriends mother. She was silent and her gaze was fixed on the steering wheel. I didn't expect her to say anything, I know it must be quiet hard for her so I decided to keep the conversation going. "Did Harry tell you how we met?" She nodded. "It's actually one of the best stories he's ever told" Anne said making us both chuckle. "I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to make you cry, I can see how special my baby is to you" I nodded and smiled at her. "He's so so special" I whispered under my breath but she heard. She smiled as I have her a big hug, finally letting go of our differences for Harry's sake. We pulled away when we heard a light tap on the window. It was our pizza. Anne opened the door and took the pizza and I placed it on my lap before we drove back home. "I'm glad Harry has you.." Anne said and I smiled and nodded. We made our way home In comfortable silence.
We arrived back home to an impatient and worried Harry. I giggled as I held him in my arms. He was breathing heavy which meant he was worrying all this time. I pulled away slightly and looked into his eyes, trying to silently calm him down. I moved my lips to his cheek and gave him a small peck before whispering in his ear. "Me and Anne sorted everything out" his body seemed to relax at those words and he pulled me in for a long passionate kiss. For a second we forgot that we weren't alone until we heard a light cough. We pulled away and blushed as Gemma, Anne and Robin began to laugh. The rest of the night was spent bonding with his family. Me and Gemma decided to go shopping in the weekend and Anne said she would love for me to come round anytime I wanted too.
"Y/N please don't let go of the internship, its a great opportunity and I'm proud of you" Anne said making me smile. i nodded in response and felt harry giving my hand a light squeeze. i looked up to him and smiled at his small gesture. Things were falling into place and I could see the happiness in Harry's eyes, he was ecstatic to have his girlfriend get along with his family. What surprised me was how different he was when he was with his family. He was still the laid back person everyone knew but he was less restricted and more open about everything which I loved. "Welcome to the family!" Gemma said as we made a toast. The smile on Harry's face was unbelievably huge at the comment and I couldn't help but feel proud. Harry was the one person my heart ached for and I was happy to have his family like me too. I felt accomplished.
It was beginning to get late and harry had to get to the airport the next day. I try my hardest not to think about it but it played in the back of my mind. We said our goodbyes and headed into Harry's car. I rested my hand on his knee as we drove back home. "Did you enjoy today?" Harry asked as he kept his eyes on the road. "If I'm honest, yes I did" I said with a huge smile. I didn't care how the day started out, I was content with the way it ended. "That's good Y/N. you still have my dad to meet" he said with a low chuckle making me laugh too. "I can't handle it boo don't worry" I leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, making sure I didn't do too much to distract him from driving. He hummed in response making me smile wider.
It was 11pm when we arrived back to mine. Harry sat down on the sofa while I got changed in my room. I was strutting around in my panties again when harry walked in with a grin. I blushed as I hurried to my cupboard for some jogger shorts but Harrys strong arms stopped me half way. I looked into his eyes and giggled as he trailed sloppy kisses down my neck. I tried wriggling out of his hold but it was no use, he was stronger and taller than me and he used that to his advantage. Harry seemed to be enjoying my squirming in his hold and decided to kiss around my sweet spot where my neck met my collar bone. I hummed in response and finally gave in to his touch. His light kisses became heavier and his teeth sinked into sweet spot earning a light moan from me. His giggle vibrated against my neck as he sucked and nibbled before pulling away and blowing against the now sensitive skin. I shivered as his breathe hit my skin and my eyes unintentionally closed, enjoying his touch.
"Now everyone will know you're mine" he whispered in my ear making my breath hitch. His words still echoing in my ear. He had left his mark on my skin to warn off other people. I laughed quietly as his arms encircled my waist, my eyes still closed as I cherished his touch. "Don't I get to see those beautiful eyes" harry said in a light tone making goosebumps form all over my body. I could feel my lips curl up into a smile at his words and obliged. His green eyes stared at me intently as I giggled, putting my arms around his neck and pulling him down closer to me.
"And how will everyone know you're mine?" I whispered in a teasing voice. Harry's eyes went wide at my words. "however you want" he said as he lips went to my ears. Slowly he began nibbling my ear, trailing his way down to my chest. My breath hitched as his lips came close to my breasts, but he only chuckled as he made his way back up to my neck and kissed my lips passionately. I pulled away from the kiss and decided to do the same to him. If he could tease then so could I. My hands reached for his curls and I lightly tugged at them as my lips touched his once again. Slowly I made my way down his neck, leaving a wet trail as I went along. I stopped mid way and blew against his neck sending shivers through his body. I smiled at his reaction as I carried on. My lips attacked his neck leaving small love bites everywhere as my hand left his hair and roamed the side of his body and snaked their way in under his tshirt. His body tensed at my contact to his bare torso and I decided to take advantage of his reaction. I carried on kissing him before pulling away completely. "We really should be sleeping" I said in a seductive tone and made my way towards my cupboard and got some pants. I laughed lightly when I saw the shocked look on Harry's face and he reformed himself to the sound of my laugh. He coughed before saying "don't put pants on, you look hot" I laughed and nodded before making my way to the bed. I watched intently as Harry took his clothes off and made his way to bed. "You're such a tease Y/N" he said as he lay beside me. "Just for you Harry" I replied as his arms held me close against his chest. I closed my eyes and let his scent take over my senses, his light breathing soothing me as we both dozed off to sleep.

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