Chapter 29

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We were in the car heading towards the TCA's. I had asked Lou to help me decide what to wear and in the end, we both went to the shopping centre and came back with more than two bags.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look?" Harry whispered in my ear.
My body shivered unwillingly as his hot breath hit my uncovered skin. I was dressed up but not over the top. I had on a plain tartan dress with black flat shoes and a clutch in my hand. I didn't want to over do it, the boys had told me it was a casual event.
"Maybe" I replied, my left eye dropping in a wink making Harry smile at the ground.
The car came to a halt and I could hear the crowd from here. My nerves were getting the best of me and my palms began sweating. This is the first award show I have ever attended with Harry and it was also the first time we both will be seen together since I accepted the job at radio 1.
Harry's grip around my waist tightened as we walked down the carpet and towards the interviewers. The boys had some interviews to do first and then photos.
"Wait with Lou, she'll keep you safe" Harry whispered in my ear. I looked up and nodded once, not trusting my voice. Harry placed his lips against mine, only for a brief second before pulling away but it was enough to calm my nerves down. I smiled up at him as he smiled back.
"Have fun" I whispered, winking at him again before walking away into a corner with Lou.
There was so much going on, I didn't know where to look. The crowd closer to me began calling my name and I tried everything to make sure the smile on my face didn't look forced. Lou laced our fingers together and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"Don't worry babe, your safe" her words assured me as I nodded in response.
"What if they don't like me even more than before?" I whispered, the idea of being disliked even more wasn't an option. I didn't want anyone to think even worse of me.

"They'll love you" Lou's smile was truthful as we watched other celebrities walk down the carpet.
"Do you think I should say hey?" I asked, referring back to the crowd behind us.
"I think that's a great idea" she pulled me closer towards the crowd, never letting my hand go and I was grateful. We had become close since I met her in London.
"Hey guys!" she greeted the fans and they screamed multiple things back in reply. I gave them a small wave as I asked them how they're doing.

"Where did you get that dress from?!" Someone shouted making me chuckle.
I pointed at Lou making her chuckle too.
"This beautiful stylist helped with my outfit of the day" I replied, I shook a few hands and some asked for pictures.
I looked at Lou as if to ask permission on if that was okay and she nodded discreetly in response, our hands separating as she too began taking photos with the crowd.


The boys performance erupted the crowd, it was the loudest thing I had ever heard minus the crowds at their shows. It's lovely knowing they have support wherever they go.
After the performance it was announced the boys had won all four awards they were nominated for. After giving a beautiful yet quirky speech, they made their way backstage where I was waiting. Lou had gone somewhere, something to do with stylist stuff but I didn't mind.
"Well done guys! I knew you'd win all of them" I greeted them in a group hug as they cheered.
"Yeah yeah Y/N you'd never doubt us" Louis replied, a cheeky grin spread across his face.
I lightly slapped his arm as I chuckled.
"Shut it Lou"
Harry draped his arm around my shoulders as he pulled me closer and placed a chaste kiss against my temple.
"Yeah shut it Lou" he said to Louis making the boys laugh along with me.
"Someone's whipped" Niall stated making me kick him a little hard.
"Is someone jealous?" I asked with a pouting face making his laugh bellow through the room.
Before he could reply, one of the producers came towards our little group and handed the boys the other three surf boards.
"Congratulations guys" he said with a genuine smile, shaking their hands. The boys chanted a load of thank you's before he turned to look at Harry.
"And congratulations to you for winning another two awards" he said with a bigger smile.
The boys and I cheered as Harry's cheeks warmed up to a slight pink colour.
"Thank you" Harry's deep voice replied as I gave his side a small squeeze in a way to say I'm proud of him.
Another two surf boards were placed in front of Harry.
As the man walked away, a lady walked towards them with a flustered look on her face.
"I'm sorry to say this but something's wrong with the seating plans" she stared and the boys instantly went quiet, allowing her to continue.
"Zayn's still got his seat alongside Little Mix but that's all. I can squeeze someone near Ed but that's it and I understand that you asked for a plus one" she pointed at Harry. "But it looks as though more music artists have turned up"
I felt as though that was a dig towards me, seeing as I wasn't a musical artist or anything to be honest...
The boys all looked at each other, Liam's gaze lingered on mine for a second before speaking.
"I don't mind staying back here, we've been doing gigs for the past few weeks so it gives me a chance to rest" the lady smiled at him before looking at the others expectantly.
"And me, my legs are kinda sore" Louis quirked up, a big smile on his face as it to say no big deal.
"Me too! We're all here anyway and people are always moving about" Niall added and the lady clapped her hand in a weird way.

"Then it's settled, Harry you can take the spare seat" she didn't give him a chance to respond as she walked away with a slight bounce to her walk.
Harry's expression portrayed confusion as I looked up towards him.
"You guys best occupy them seats before someone snatches them" I said playfully.
"I feel bad and I wanted to introduce Y/N to Perrie" Zayn muttered, sadness evident in his eyes.
"And I don't want to leave you on your own again" Harry looked down at me with a frown on his face.
I didn't have time to reply as Liam stepped in.
"Firstly, Zayn you told us beforehand about your seat and and we love Perrie" he placed a hand on Zayn's shoulder and squeezed.
The smile on Zayn's face was so bright it would give the sun a run for it's money.
"You're sure?" He asked and all the boys nodded.
"And as for Y/N" he stood beside me, removing Harry's arm and replacing it with his own "she's got her three besties looking after her"
I grinned at his words as I nodded. I didn't want to be the reason harry stopped having fun.
"Are you sure?" Harry asked, looking at me with concerned eyes. It's like a replay of Zayn's conversation.
"Of course babe, now go to your red headed friend" I chuckled making him join in too.
"Okay, keep her safe" he said sternly to Louis, Niall and Liam.
"No Harry, we're going to feed her to the sharks" Louis replied sarcastically making me cover my hand to stop a chuckle from escaping.


I watched from behind the scenes alongside Louis, Niall and Liam as they asked Harry to twerk. From everyone's reaction, I could tell no one expected him to go through with it.
I was grateful for the camera pointing at Harry more than often as it filled the void in my chest. Even though he was a few metres away, I was missing him like crazy. So much for supporting him and the boys.

"Earth to Y/N" fingers snapped in front of my gaze as I broke contact with the camera that was lingering around the middle of the seating where Harry was. I shook my head, attempting to focus on the topic we were talking about.
"Sorry I was miles away, what did you say Liam?" The grin on his face proved I had been caught staring at my brown headed boyfriend.
"Something else more interesting Y/N?" He asked cockily, a slight glint in his eyes.
"No no, nothing's more interesting than how many pants you've lost since I left" I muttered, the smile unmasking my sarcasm.

"Ha ha very funny" Liam replied, sticking his tongue out in a playful manner. "The shows come to an end now, everyone's leaving"
He pointed towards the growing crowd and the increase in noise as everyone began filing out of the arena where the awards show was being held.

I was excited to cuddle Harry but as the minutes past, I became more and more restless.
"We should head out, their probably waiting for us outside" Louis piped in as he pointed to the exit. Niall had been pulled into the crowd to take photos with celebrities.
As the boys waded through the crowd, a few stopped and took pictures with Liam or Louis. I was feeling suffocated and the amount of people that I had grown up listening to or watching were surrounding me and that didn't help my beating heart.

A familiar quiff of curly brown hair caught my eyes and the light shirt that seemed to make him stand out from the crowd. Harry was still more or less in the arena taking pictures with someone who looked like Miley Cyrus from where I was standing.

I half hoped for him to continue walking down but he turned around and headed the opposite way with Ed. Oh...
Someone grabbed my hand and continued pulling me towards the exit. My heart beat steadied as I noticed Liam's hand tightly wrapped around my wrist. The warm air hit my face as we approached the boys security Team.
Lou and Niall were already there accompanied by Zayn and the girls of Little Mix.
"I'm not ready to meet them Liam, I'm so nervous and I don't have Harry to calm my nerves" I whispered in Liam's ear as we came closer. The smiles on their face was welcoming as I smiled a shy smile back.
"Don't worry, I've got you. Besties second best right?" He joked making me chuckle.
"Right now, you're first best" I replied earning a big smile from Liam.
I returned my gaze back to the girls in front of me. Zayn introduced his girlfriend before introducing the rest of the girls as we exchanged hellos and hugs.

Don't Let Me go Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat