Chapter 16

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Harry's P.O.V
We were in Philly preparing for tonight's concert. I scrolled through my twitter as Lou did Niall's hair, waiting for my turn. I noticed that Y/N had tweeted an hour ago "urgh back to work. Oh the joys" her sarcasm always managed to put a smile on my face. I decided to call her, not having heard her voice since the day she was back in Manchester. The phone rang twice before going straight to voicemail. Strange, why did she cut the line? I decided to call again, only to listen to her voicemail again. I wasn't sure if I should worry or be angry. Before I could make my mind up, my phone rang and Y/N's name came alight.
"I'm so sorry Harry. My boss had been on my case all morning and I quickly shut my phone on silent to stop him from getting angry at me again" she breathed all at once down the phone. I felt my body relax at the sound of her voice, a smile making its way on my face. "Harry are you still there?" I snapped out my thoughts as I recollected myself. "Yeah Y/N. it's okay, I got worried that's all" I could hear her chuckle on the other side. "Oh harry. I miss you" I sighed as I said I missed her too. The conversation was light and casual. We spoke about the most random things which always made me smile more than I was right now. The boys had noticed my mood change as they kept poking fun at me, shouting things down the phone. "Put me on speaker" Y/N said and I obliged. "Hey guys I miss you!" Her voice rang as everyone went silent. Everyone began chanting her name making her chuckle. "Aw I miss you guys" I could hear the pout in her voice making me laugh. "We miss you too Y/N. please come back" Liam said down the line and everyone agreed in response. "I wish I could but I have work guys" she sighed before trying to lighten up the mood. "So tell me all the tour stories! I'm guessing alots happened since I left" she said while giggling to herself. "Have you got the time to hear everything Y/N?" Niall said. "Of course. Anything for my boys" everyone smiled as I huffed. "Hey! I thought I was your boy" everyone began laughing. "Your my special boy Harry" she said making goosebumps form on my arms. Everyone conversed with Y/N down the phone. They told her everything from the funny things that happened on stage, to the crazy things they've eaten. Well that was mainly Niall talking about food. At the end of the call, Y/N was in tears trying to regain her breath. "Guys I'm sorry but I have to go. My lunch is over" she said. "We stopped you from having lunch?" I snapped out abruptly. "No no Harry. I snack all day while I work so its no biggie" I sighed. "Okay love, have a good day and stay safe!" She laughed at my concern. "Bye Harry, and bye guys! Make sure you make the crowd scream till the roof comes down" a chorus of byes and I love you's were said before she cut the line.
The concert went well, I had the biggest smile on my face when I noticed a sign with Y/N's name on it. I didn't think the fans would be so fond of her but I was happy they liked her. I understand things might change when we announce our relationship to the public, but for now I felt content.
"Could your smile be any bigger harry?" I heard Louis say. "Yeah Haz. We noticed the sign too" Zayn said as he nudged my shoulder. I felt my cheeks turn pink as I chuckled nervously. "Im just happy the fans like her" they nodded in response. "So when are you both planning on announcing it?" Liam said. "I haven't told Gemma or mum yet" I said gaze locked to the floor. I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder making me look up. "Don't worry harry" Liam said with a reassuring smile. I quickly got changed, making my way to the tour bus to call mum and tell her the news.
Your P.O.V
I woke up the next day and checked my phone, only to find my mentions going crazy. I unlocked the phone to check twitter and noticed Anne and Gemma had followed me. Did this mean he'd told them? I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face as I followed them back and went to text harry only to see he had already text me. "So mums eager to meet you.." One read. "I think they've followed you on twitter, hope you don't mind x"
I replied back. "Course I don't mind. You should see the smile on my face ;) x" I jumped out of bed and got ready for work. Now that I had a long holiday off Uni, I decided to get more hours at the clothes store I worked in. My boss was a pain, he'd always be on my case and ask for lunch but I never thought anything of it. I would have the occasional directioner walk in and recognise me and ask for a picture which I happily said yes to. I needed to be on the right side of the fans and not annoy them. But in all honesty I was glad the fans liked me, and I liked conversing with them. "Y/N hope you don't mind me asking, but what is your wage?" My co worker and best friend asked. "Same amount as you grace?" I said. "Nope, you get paid a little more because the boss has a crush on you" I laughed as I looked over to my boss, only to find him staring at me intently. "Don't be silly" I said as I shook my head. "No really. When I did your hours while you were on holiday, I got paid a lot more" I laughed nervously, I didn't know I got paid more. "It's probably cause I've been here longer" I said with a smile, she nodded as we carried on working.
Me and grace met up with a couple of friends for lunch after work. "Y/N I've seen you on magazines" Tyler said watching me intently. I couldn't look him in the eyes as I nodded. "Spill" they all said in unison making me look up and take a deep breath. They stayed quiet for the majority of it and often made shocked noises which made me giggle. "Omg your dating harry?!" Grace said a little too loudly. I nodded as I blushed. "Oh Y/N we're happy for you" mike said. They asked for all the details which I nervously told them. "When their back in London, we are all going to their concert!" Tyler said.
After lunch I made my way back home, and browsed through my phone. I text Harry letting him know I told my friends. I went on twitter to see they had tweeted me. Mikes tweet read "you are one lucky ducky" I laughed as I retweeted and tweeted him back. "Lucky ducky? Are you feeling okay?" Grace has also tweeted. "I want a piece of what your having" I couldn't stop laughing at how obvious they were being. I retweeted before checking my DM's. I replied to some fans before I saw Anne's name making my heart stop. "Hello Y/N, Harry's told me a lot about you. I was wondering if we could meet for lunch sometime? :)" I replied with shaky fingers. "Hey Anne! Yeah I'd love that :) can I have your number please so we can arrange where and when?:) x" I hope that reply was okay. I was so nervous.
The next three days went by slow. I spent my time working or creating demos based on silly radio dramas that may help for my portfolio after i finish university next year. It has been 3 weeks since me and Harry started dating and over a week since i last saw him. Harry was flying back into Manchester today to spend the night with me before spending the next day in Cheshire. Me and Anne decided to have the lunch when harry was with us because she knew how nervous I was. I felt content about her concerns towards my comfort. I was also meeting Harry's sister and step dad. I thought about all the things I would say and do and whether they'd like me or not. I hope they like me. I was nervous and I could feel myself getting worked up. I was deep in my thoughts and didn't realise someone had walked in through the door and wrapped their arms around my waist. My body stiffened. "Don't worry it's only me" a gruff voice whispered in my ear making my heart speed up. I felt my breath hitch as he placed a soft kiss to the back of my neck. His hot breath trailed against my neck as I stood there in his arms, my body relaxed as harry nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. "I missed you" he whispered making goosebumps form. "I missed you too" I breathed. I turned around in his hold, as I placed my head on his chest, taking in a deep breath and savouring his cologne. Harry placed a soft kiss on the top of my head before guiding me to the sofa. I sat on his lap as I encircled my arms around his neck, staring in his eyes deeply. "I thought I was picking you up" I said, our face just inches apart. "If you did then it wouldn't have been spontaneous" he said still holding my gaze. I giggled lightly making him smile. "Now there's that laugh I've missed so much" I felt my cheeks burn pink before harry placed a hand on the back of my neck, connecting our lips together for the first time in over a week. I felt sparks fly as we kissed deeply, savouring each others taste and breathing heavily. We pulled away for a split second to regain some air in our lungs before locking lips once again. I could feel him smile against the kiss making me smile too.
We spent the rest of the day kissing and cuddling. Harry offered to take me out to dinner but I refused. I would rather spend the day in his arms, no where else. Our kisses would turn into heated make out sessions but nothing more. Harry would bite down my neck making me moan and I would do the same, pulling his curls which drove him crazy. It didn't take long for harry to find my sweet stop, always nipping and kissing around it. He was such a tease. We climbed into bed when the clock struck midnight, harry spooning me. It was crazy how I fit into his side without any difficulty. Our legs tangled together as harry roamed the side of my body, placing light kisses on my neck. My breath hitched when harry skimmed past my right breast and I knew harry felt my reaction. He laughed lightly. "Mm sorry boo" his rough voice whispered against my neck. He carried on doing the same actions, enjoying the reaction he provoked out of me. My light moans make his breathing harder, I smiled to myself as I turned in his hold, not allowing him to react to my movements as I placed a hard kiss on his lips. "Touch me all you want, but I'm tired" I said in a seductive voice, knowing it would drive him nuts. "And we've got to be alert when we meet your family tomorrow" I kissed his lips, before kissing his cheek and laying back into his side. "Ugh Y/N. such a tease" I giggled before falling into a deep trance in my baby's arms

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