Chapter 8

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Harry's P.O.V
I waited patiently for Y/N to pick up my call. I was on twitter and noticed that she, Niall, Liam and Zayn were the main talking subject between our directioners. I just wished I was with her for her first tattoo. "Hello" her voice made me break out my thoughts. "Hi, how's things going?" After some light talk, things became more uncomfortable as she asked me a question I was dreading. "So you and Kimberly stewart? That must be serious" she said in an off tone. "W..what?" I was caught off guard. "Nothing Haz, I hope your both happy" I knew she'd find out, it was all over the magazines. I was caught in the moment and a mistake I wish I never made. Me and Kimberly shared a kiss but nothing more, I slept on the sofa in their home. I tried to change the subject. "Your new ink looks good" I tried my hardest not to say 'hot'. I heard her sigh "thanks Harry, I've got to go now. Speak to you soon" and with that the phone line went dead. Why didn't I just tell her the truth. I was eager to see her knowing it would be sooner than we both thought.
Your P.O.V
I cut the line before he could object. Tears were forming in my eyes now, he didn't even try denying it. I hope he's happy with Kimberly, I hope she makes him happy..
I made my way back to the table and I knew the boys could tell something was wrong. "Y/N what's wrong? Who was that on the phone?" Zayn asked putting his arm around shoulder and hugging me tightly. I didn't say anything. I stared at my fingers for 5 minutes before I looked up to see 3 pairs of eyes waiting for my answer. "I think I have feelings for Harry" I whispered before looking at my fingers again. I didn't want to see their reaction. A couple minutes past until Liam spoke up. "Finally!! Finally you admit it Y/N!" I looked up with a confused expression on my face. All three boys were smiling at me. "We've been trying to get you to admit it for weeks now" Niall piped up. I couldn't help but blush. Damn they knew all along. They asked questions like "how long have you liked him for?" And "have you kissed?" Questions that were making me blush a Scarlett red, they only laughed at my embarrassment. "Was that Harry on the phone?" Zayn asked, and my smile instantly turned into a frown. I knew Zayn noticed because his grip around my shoulders tightened.
"Yes" I said quietly. "What did he say?" Zayn asked with a small smile which I retuned. "I confronted him about Kimberly Stewart and he didn't deny it, he just changed the subject" I couldn't help the frown that returned on my face. "Don't worry Y/N, there's probably more to it than what meets the eye" Liam said with a warm smile. I'm glad I had them beside me.
We made our way to the airport, talking about what they're going to get up too and how they had a surprise for the fans. They'll be releasing a new fragrance and will be coming back to London to announce it. I laughed as they made me swear to secrecy to not tell anyone. After I parked the car, Liam led us to the terminal where we would be meeting Paul and Louis. I noticed Eleanor was here too. I walked up to her and gave her a big hug.
"Ey what about me?" Louis asked with a pout. Me and el burst out laughing at how cute he was. "Ladies first" I laughed as I gave him a huge hug. Harry would be meeting them in France, hence the reason why he wasn't here. Louis handed me an envelope with my name written at the front. "Don't open it until your exams are over for the semester" he said. I looked at the other boys and they nodded in unison. "Don't I get a clue to what it is?" I asked with a pout.
"Nope" Zayn said, popping the P. I turned to Eleanor. "Do you know what it is?" I asked her looking hopeful. She sighed and smiled, pulling out her own envelope. "We're in the same boat Y/N" damn. We both stared at the boys with as much cuteness we could muster. "Sorry guys, it's a surprise" Niall said with a wink. "Fine!" I said stomping my feet trying to be angry which led to them laughing. "It's time to board the plane" Paul said and we all nodded saying our goodbyes. I hugged each boy tightly. "See you soon Y/N and Eleanor" Niall shouted. "Love you el" Louis shouted. They were such a cute couple. I couldn't help but smile.
"Shall we get some coffee before heading home?" Eleanor asked. "Yes please" we made our way to my car. "And you HAVE to show me your tatt Y/N. me and Lou saw the picture online but we wanted to see it properly" el piped up. "aw unlucky Lou, he's just going to have to wait" I said with a wink not knowing that the wait wasn't going to be that long.

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