Chapter 26 (part 1)

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Your P.O.V
It was weird sleeping in my own bed
It took time to adjust to the colder temperature in the UK.
Sleepless nights left me grumpy due to jet lag.
But what affected me most was having no one laying beside me.
The events that took place in the past 10 days played in my mind as I tried to decide what i should do next. I never expected dating someone I had fallen for could be so difficult. Things went from good to bad within a matter of seconds when my feet touched the ground in Manchester. Photos of me and Harry kissing at the airport circulated around twitter and other social networking sites had surfaced and it was difficult to get out the airport without getting hurt. I didn't have Harry's security team around me which meant I got hurt but the security from the airport noticed the commotion and came to my rescue. But that wasn't even the first day..
Day one
I had barely slept all night due to jet lag. I spent the night texting Harry wishing that sleep would take over me. The events at the airport was quickly broadcasted and I had everyone calling and texting making sure I was okay. After getting a mere 3 hours sleep I showered and dressed for my first day back at work. Turns out Grace was right, my boss did have a crush on me.
"What did he say?" Grace asked me as I walked behind the tills. My boss grilled me about my week holiday even though he knew about it. But what stuck out the most was his venom towards me dating Harry. His words still echoed in my mind. "Your dating a boy band member? Have you NO moral?" I still couldn't believe he thought so low of me because of who I was dating.
"He's not happy. And you were right.." I said with a frown. I expected my first day back to be better than this. Grace placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile.
"He'll get over it. And at least you still have your job" I smiled at her for trying.
"I only have my job because its illegal to fire someone for personal reasons. And I'm working after hours for free so I can do this internship" I sighed wishing things would be easier. I wasn't the type of person who stressed out over things but this was getting to me. I didn't want to be judged by the person I was falling in love with and I would not allow someone to speak so lowly of Harry. I risked my job when I bit back at my boss telling him to stop foul mouthing Harry.
The rest of the day didn't go well either. Some fans who were in the area recognised me and attempted to take photos with me. My boss wasn't pleased which meant I spent the rest of the day behind the store and doing stock take. I pray no one else will find out my work place. Grace and I went for lunch together and I received some abusive words from teenage girls. Grace was feisty and she wasn't the type to hold back. I'm glad I had her as a best friend.
"Don't worry about it" she told me with a huge grin. I sighed and returned the smile.
"It's just the first couple weeks that are the hardest yanoe?" I said to Grace and she nodded in understanding.
Harry hadn't text me all day only because he was still asleep. A smile crept onto my face when I thought about his fragile self lying in bed with the covers over his lower abdomen. His curls would flop over his forehead and his hand snaked under the pillow. He looked like an angel when he slept. Grace must have noticed my smile as she nudged my shoulder.
"Thinking of Harry are we?" She said with a knowing smirk.
My cheeks flushed as I tried to hide behind my small hands.
"Maybe" I said with a small chuckle.
Day two
My body was beginning to get use to the time change and I managed to get an extra hours sleep. I spent most my day at work, doing late hours for free so I could miss the mornings for my internship. It was hard working in a big clothing company, especially when you didn't really care for fashion. Today was better than yesterday, I have no complaints. The only thing that upset me today was the fact that I didn't get to speak to Harry all day. I guess that's the downfall of being normal and dating a member from the worlds biggest boyband. Josh had text me that night asking whether I wanted to grab a coffee and have a catch up. I hadn't seen him since I last met him for lunch in America. I agreed to see him after work the next day.
"We miss you up here! I'm lonely" Liam's text message read. After I left touring with them, his best friends had joined them on tour and I wished I could've stayed to meet them.
"I'm lonelier. You have the boys and Andy, I have no one here :(" I replied back. And it was true. I was back to being plain old Y/N again. There were no loud cheers or laughing fits, just me. Sat on my bed. With a book in hand. Who would have thought one simple week could ruin your daily routine. My eyes began to slowly close as I wish the the whole in my heart would fade. Hopefully it gets easier.
Day three
My car wouldn't start. I called the local mechanic and he told me my car would be fixed by tomorrow. I sighed in content knowing I'll have transport to take me to the radio 1 station I was situated at. Work went pretty well, some fans came in and asked for photos and i was glad they weren't here to shoot abusive words at me. I took some photos with them and asked them to pretend like their trying things on so my boss doesn't catch on and we could have a decent conversation. Soon my boss allowed me to leave earlier which gave me plenty of time to get ready to meet Josh. I text Harry three times in hope that maybe he'd reply, but I got nothing. I was beginning to worry. The other boys had text me, so where was he? I tried my best to stay away from magazines and looking it up on google. I hadn't been on twitter since I left America so I decided to tweet something. "@Y/T/N car broke down :( fingers crossed its fixed by tomorrow!" I put my phone back in my pocket before heading out to the bus station to take me to central Manchester.
"You are late" Josh greeted me with a hug as I took a seat opposite him. He had sunglasses on inside which made me chuckle.
"That is the worst disguise ever!" I exclaimed making him chuckle.
"Don't blame me, I'm no master at disguise" he said. He had already ordered my coffee and so we began conversing and catching up. He told me about how successful the bands single was and how they were planning on their first tour. I told him about my internship and he seemed surprised that I didn't apply for one sooner.
"I have to ask.. When did you and Harry happen?" He asked with a cheeky grin making me blush.
"It's a long story, but he's amazing Josh! You don't understand" I felt myself getting exasperated at the mention of his name and my heart started racing. Josh only laughed at my reaction making me blush. "We haven't been together long but it feels like forever" I said as I looked at my hands.
"You make a cute couple" Josh said as I looked up at him. His smile was warming and I couldn't help but smile back. "How are you coping with the hate? I saw what happened on twitter the other day" my smile instantly faded.
"I guess everyone saw huh?" I asked and he nodded. I sighed, it was something I couldn't run away from. "I'm handling it okay, I'm glad I have supportive people around me" I said with a smile and mean it. If I didn't have the people I care about around me, I wouldn't have been able to cope.
"You have me and the rest of the UJ lads on your side too" Josh said and I smiled and nodded.
"I can't wait to meet them" I said as I leaned over and gave him a hug.
Day four
My alarm clock went off at 5am. I had to be up and ready for 9am. Why did I decide on waking up so early?! I dressed casual in my ankle grazer jeans, heeled brogues and a sleeveless button up. I wasn't sure how to dress so I stayed in between casual and smart. After making a pot of coffee, there was a knock on my door. My car was here. I still had two hours to spare so I drove around Manchester for a little while and parked beside the radio station. I pulled out my phone and saw my twitter mentions going crazy and 10 new messages. 4 were off Harry and the others were from friends, Zayn and Liam. What's going on? Liam's message read: "check twitter ASAP and good luck with today xx" and Zayns message said the same thing too as did Graces and Tyler's. when I read Harry's messages my heart dropped.
"Why are you ignoring me?" "Are the headlines true?" "Y/N just tell me the truth" "I don't know why I even bother" my heart was beating out of my chest. What headlines? I went on twitter and saw photos of me and Josh circling twitter and that's when it hit me, the headlines were trying to claim that I had cheated on Harry with Josh. I quickly dialled Harry's number and held my breath in hope that he'll pick up. He picked up on the last ring and I started breathing again.
"We only met for coffee Harry. I swear nothing's going on between us" I breathed into the phone. I was desperate to make him understand the truth.
"Okay" he replied. There was no emotion in his voice. What can I say and do to make him believe me?
"You do believe me don't you Harry?" I asked warily. He didn't reply. I could feel the anger boil in my blood.
"I wouldn't do that to you.." I whispered and the only reply I got back was a little "okay" I couldn't contain my anger any longer.
"Your the one who told me not to believe everything I read. You don't even listen to your own advice, hypocrite" I spat down the phone and cut the line. I was beyond pissed. I switched my phone off and reformed myself, before heading into the studio. I was early but I didn't care.
The day went by smoothly. I was so excited that I forgot about the drama that had erupted at the beginning of the day. I met the other interns and they were lovely. The smile on my face was huge. We had been told that we would be moving to the London station to see how things worked up there on the third day of the internship. We were in charge of living and transport arrangements which was good. When I got home I changed out my clothes and finally turned my phone back on. Text messages and missed calls blew up my phone. I was only eager to read one persons messages though. Harry's messages all said "sorry" or "please call me" "good luck with today" "I'm such an idiot". I was much calmer than I was before so I dialled his number.
"Y/N" his gruff voiced made my heart race. I forgot about the time difference.
"I'm sorry, I'll let you sleep" I said down the phone but harry dismissed what I said.
"Please don't. I'm sorry Y/N I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions, I'm such an ass" he said and I chuckled
"Yes. You are" I said in a matter of face tone.
"Josh cleaned up the rumours on twitter too" he said and I asked him what he meant by that. "He tweeted saying how you both are good friends and all you ever spoke about was me" he said in a cheeky tone. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks. "No need to be embarrassed love" he added as though he was sat right beside me and knew how my body was reacting to each word.
"So big headed" I said as I shook my head. "Baby you should sleep, you have a concert in the morning"
"I haven't heard your voice in three days, I think one sleepless night is okay" he replied and my heart fluttered.
"Damn you styles!" I said and he chucked.
"Still have that affect on you through the phone huh?" He said in a cheeky tone. I could tell he was more awake now. "How did the internship go boo?" We conversed for hours before I told him I needed sleep. I had an early start in the Morning. My eyes began to close unwillingly as Harry's voice sang through the speaker.
"I promised one day that I'd bring you back a star..
I caught one and it burnt a hole in my hand.
Seems like these days I watch you from afar... "
My thoughts drifted off to a boy with curly brown hair and shocking green eyes..
Day five
Today wasn't so bad. If I'm honest, I have no complaints about today. After going on twitter and retweeting what josh had tweeted I decided to put the rumours straight and also tweeted Harry something silly. I needed to start being stronger and prove to people that their words don't affect me. People needed to understand that I wasn't going to leave Harry just because they don't approve of the relationship. I had noticed some photos of me on twitter on fan accounts based on me. They were random snaps of me going to Starbucks or the radio one station. Everyone was curious about what I was doing but I didn't give in to letting them know what was going on in my life.
Me and Harry texted regularly and we skyped at the end of the day. It was so good to see him even if it was virtual. His hair was done to perfection and he looked flawless in his black tee. The boys had also joined in the chat and told me what I had been missing out on.
"When will i get to see you guys again?" i asked with a pout. They laughed at my playfulness.
"Soon i hope. we miss you" Niall said and i smiled at the cute blonde, his flawless features had a frown etched upon it.
"smile Nialler. when I'm with you guys again, me and you are going out on a lunch date" i said in a cheery tone and watched as his smile spread across his face.
"Y/N andy and mum want to say hello" Liam said and the camera turned to two familiar yet unfamiliar faces. We carried on conversing until it was just me and Harry again.
"sweet dreams baby" He whispered as he blew me a kiss.
"good luck on stage boo. have fun" i replied before closing my laptop screen.
Work was going good but my boss wasn't pleased about me leaving for the rest of the week for the remainder of my internship. He was being rude towards me ever since he found out my relationship status which I thought was so damn rude. I would pack the next day, feeling emotionally and mentally drained with all the events of today.

Don't Let Me go Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora