Chapter 25

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Harry's P.O.V
The sound of my ringtone broke me out of my sleepy trance. I reached over Y/N's sleeping body beside me and retrieved my phone, hoping the sound hadn't woken her up. She looked angelic against the white sheets, no clothing on her body apart from the thin cover around her waist. I pressed the phone against my ear as I let out an exasperated sigh.
"Oh, someone's in a grumpy mood. Did I disturb you and Y/N" the cheek on this one. Niall's thick Irish accent woke me up slightly as his words sunk in. How do the boys always figure things out, damn it.
"Whatever nialler. What's wrong?" I asked as I wiped away the sleep from my eyes.
"Just wanted to say happy 3 year anniversary!" Niall said in a joyous tone making me chuckle.
"You too. Me and Y/N will be back soon, we should do something" I said back. We had another day off which would be spent rehearsing and on the road which meant we could spend that time together.
"Aye, I'll let the others know" Niall said before hanging up. I had text messages from the rest of the boys and the team wishing us happy 3 years. I replied back to each message with a smile on my face, we have come so far. I quickly got into twitter and tweeted the fans before I felt a hand wrap around my waist. It was a simple gesture in Y/N's part but it meant so much. Her light yet strong touch resembled how safe she felt when she was around me. I stroked her soft hair as I thought about last nights events. Her hot breath fanning against my face and her smaller frame squirming underneath me. Her touch was heavenly and her moans sent euphoria through my entirety. Seeing her unravel underneath me was sensational and knowing she was all mine made me feel content. Y/N began stirring in her sleep indicating she was waking up. I watched as she slowly opened her eyes and focused on the white and black walls of the hotel room, her small fingers tracing the swallows on my chest.
"You really need to stop watching me sleep" she whispered, I could feel the heat rising to her cheek against my chest. I smiled unwillingly, knowing her simple words had unnatural effects on me that I couldn't explain.
"Stop being so beautiful then" I whispered back as I placed a kiss on the top of her head. Y/N chuckled as she gently swatted my chest making me laugh along with her.
"Happy 3 year anniversary babe. You and the boys should be so proud of yourselves. You've made it" Y/N said as she sat up and placed a kiss on my cheek. Her words held so much meaning towards the band and I was glad that she supported us. I didn't reply, I simply placed a kiss on her forehead and pulled her closer to me as I sighed in content. Things couldn't get any better than this.
Your P.O.V
Me and Harry made our way back to the tour bus hoping we hadn't been seen by anyone, we still had yesterday's clothes on. Harry was late for the rehearsals which meant he had to quickly change before leaving me alone in the tour bus. I wanted to see the rest of the boys but I waited patiently for them. Moping around the tour bus didn't last long before I started getting ready for the day. After spending half an hour deciding on what to wear, I finally decided on a boy band top and skirt.
The weather was hot and being in a tour bus with everyone meant the temperature would get higher so I dressed smartly. My phone buzzed with a message off Gemma.
"Where are you love?xx" it read. I quickly replied before snapping a photo of me in my top and putting it on twitter and Instagram with the caption "One Direction ruined my life. Happy 3 years together boys, no one deserves this more than you do xx" I avoided checking my mentions knowing I wouldn't be happy with the responses. A light cough behind me made me jump and drop my phone.
"Did I startle you?" I could hear the playfulness in his tone, it was Liam.
"Do that again and I won't be afraid to punch you" I mumbled back before picking up my phone. "Now come here and give me a hug" I said in an angry tone making him laugh.
His embrace was warm and it was nice to finally hug my bestie In the group. "I thought Gemma was coming?" I asked "and happy 3 years li" Liam's grip on me tightened before we pulled away.
"I asked gem to text you, I left my phone here" he said and I nodded. "And thank you! We have to talk" Liam said suddenly turning serious. I raised my eyebrow questioning what was wrong and he indicated for us to sit on the little couch in the tour bus.
"How are you coping?" He asked and I instantly knew what he was referring too. I took a deep breath before replying.
"surprisingly well. Im glad I have someone as supportive as harry" I said with a smile. Liam nodded as we conversed about what they had planned for later on in the day.
"Niall and Louis are going to buy some drinks and food with security while we make the tour bus a little more spacious. The 5 seconds of summer lads are joining us" Liam said and I nodded. I looked around the tour bus wondering what he meant by "more spacious". In my opinion, the tour bus was huge compared to normal buses.
"And how are we going to do that?" I asked in confusion. He told me the plan of putting small objects and bags into one of the other buses so we had more room to move. "Shall we begin?" I asked with a huge smile.
"Of course. Liking the top by the way" Liam added making me chuckle.
"It seemed appropriate for the occasion" I said with a wink making him chuckle lightly.
The rest of the boys arrived as I congratulated them on their three years. Harry always stayed beside me, not straying too far away which made me smile. Ever since we had taken our relationship to the next level we became closer as we began understanding each others ins and outs. The fans had broken the vevo record with Best Song Ever and the boys were ecstatic making the day even better. We munched on pizza and danced in the tour bus as we drove to the next destination. Quiet often the driver would complain about how disturbing we were but it only added to the humour. By the time it was midnight we had finally arrived at the new location Denver. The streets looked beautiful in the night sky and I was grateful to share this experience with them.
"Having fun?" Harry asked as he handed me another drink.
"Yep" I said popping the P and making him chuckle. "I'm glad I get to share this with you" I whispered in his ear. The light gesture sent shivers down his spine and it didn't go unnoticed by me. Harry blushed as I looked at him in adoration. I was glad I had this effect on him.
"Stop, you're embarrassing me" harry scolded making me laugh louder.
"You're adorable Harry" I said before placing a kiss on his soft lips. The taste of his lips was something I'd never get use to. They were sweet from the alcohol with a slight hint of mint making me deepen the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck.
"PDA PDA" Ashton began shouting making me pull away and burrow my face into Harry's chest. The vibrations of his chuckle making the heat rise to my cheeks.
"Leave them alone Ash, we all know what happened last night. It's time for round two" Louis chimed in making me blush even harder. These boys just never know when to stop. I felt Harry nuzzle into my hair in embarrassment. I'm glad we're in the same boat. Everyone was laughing at our embarrassment and I couldn't help but flip them off making them laugh louder.
"You're cute when you blush" harry whispered as we stayed in our awkward position trying to hide our reddened cheeks.
"I could say the same about you" I said back as I lifted my head up to meet his green eyes. I leaned in slowly and kissed him again, not caring who sees this time. Harry lifted me up onto his lap as we broke away from the kiss and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me from behind. I nuzzled into the side of his neck as we joined the conversation with the rest of group.
My one week touring with the boys in America was up and before I knew it, I had my bags packed and was waiting for my plane. The last 3 days were spent behind the scenes of the interviews the boys were partaking in and the two shows I had watched were amazing and the boys did their first live play of Best Song Ever and it went down a treat with the fans.
"Ready?" Harry asked and I nodded. There was a large group of fans waiting and Harry signed and took photos with some fans while I waited with a member of the security team. I was in awe of how adorable Harry was with younger fans and the smile on his face was incredible. I spoke to a couple fans who seemed genuine to know more about me and asked questions about harry. I was cautious with my replies but made sure they were content with what I had to say.
"I wish I didn't have to go" I said to Harry with a frown. I didn't want to leave and all the boys had offered to make my trip a week longer but I had to get back to the UK or else I'd lose my job and the internship.
"I wish you didn't have to go either" Harry replied as he held me tightly in his arms. The calling for my flight echoed through the airport and my breathing became heavy. I could feel the tears brimming around my eyes.
"I'll miss you" I whispered as I placed my forehead against Harry's. I knew people could see us but I didn't care. I wanted to cherish this moment with Harry.
"I'm going to miss you so much" he whispered back as he placed a kiss on my lips. I kissed him back and tightened my grip around his shoulders.
"I'll see you soon, I promise" he said and I nodded, no longer trusting my voice. Tears streamed down my face as he caught each one.
"I hate seeing you cry" Harry said as he hugged me once again.
"I can't help it" I said with a light chuckle making him laugh too.
"It's time to go" a member of the security team told me and I nodded. I placed one last kiss on Harry's lips before parting ways. I waved at them and the fans who I had forgotten about in our little moment before boarding the plane.

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