Chapter 6

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Liam's P.O.V
It was crazy how fast the week went by. Y/N had her bag packed and was ready to say her good byes. I could see the tears form in her eyes and honestly none of us wanted her to go.
"Drive safely! And come see us again soon" Niall said as he engulfed her in a hug. She buried her face in his chest, not knowing what to say. As he released her from his tight hug she pulled out a set of keys and removed one. "Here" she said handing it to me. "Come visit okay? You know where my dorm is, don't be a stranger, all of you!" She whispered as she stared at us. We all nodded. Harry was standing the furthest, hurt etched in his face. We all noticed how close they both got but they were both too stubborn to admit it. Y/N opened up to me about everything that's happened in her life and every time I asked about Harry she would brush it off.
"I love you guys! Thanks for the best week ever!" She piped up with a huge smile.
Your P.O.V
I made my way downstairs with Harry carrying my suitcase. No words were exchanged as he held me in his arms and kissed the top of my head. I breathed in his scent for one last time, not knowing when I'd see him again.
"Don't worry. We'll see you soon Y/N we aren't letting you go that easy" he whispered in my hair. I smiled and nodded heading to my car ready to drive back to Manchester. I was back in Uni the next day, who would have thought I'd go back to being.. Ordinary..
After 5 hours of driving and 3 cups of Starbucks, I was back in my dorm. It was more like a cute one bedroom apartment. I had my own kitchen and living room which was good. I slumped Into bed without changing my clothes letting sleep take over my body. My mind raced as I remembered the events that took place in the past week. From the first time I met the boys, to the first one direction concert I went to. I made some new friends and found someone my heart ached for. After 3 years of being alone, I finally had someone steal my heart..
"You should wear a dress more often" I heard a gruff voice say from the door way. I looked over to see Harry. "It's not my kinda thing" I said in a matter of fact tone. He smiled and made his way into his bedroom. "Looking forward to tonight?" He asked. We were heading out to a club; me, Niall, Harry, Josh and some of their other friends. "Yeah just a little nervous" I said as I looked down.
The night was going good, I was dancing with one of Niall's Irish buddies who came to visit him from Mullingar. I wasn't drunk, which meant I was dancing like a drowning penguin which made everyone laugh. I needed alcohol in my system if i wanted to dance good. Harry didn't look too happy as he sat at the bar ordering himself a drink. I excused myself and sat on the stool next to him. I could hear the excited chatter from a group of girls sat in the corner giving Harry the eye which made my heart clench. He always had beautiful girls surrounding him, why would he fall for me? "Think you have some admirers Harry" I said in a cheery voice. He looked over at them and shrugged. What was wrong with him? "What's wrong Haz? You seem down.." I trailed off waiting for his answer. "Nothing! Go back and dance with Eoghan" I could hear the venom in his voice. My face broke into a frown as I watched him down a shot and order another one. "Come with me" I said angrily as I grabbed his arm and led him to a corner. "What?!" He almost barked at me. My eyes grew wide as my mouth dropped. "Sorry.." I whispered looking away. I heard him sigh as he cupped my cheek and made me look at him. "No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shouted" his features instantly softened. "It's okay, Why are you upset?" I asked with a frown. "I don't know, I.." He stopped talking and looked in my eyes as I motioned him to go on. "I wanna try something" and before I could say anything our lips locked in a heated and desperate kiss. I was shocked at first but slowly our lips moved in sync. My hand reached for his curls as his hand rested on my waist. Slowly I pulled away and looked in his eyes. "Fireworks" I whispered. He smiled as he repeated what i said.. "Fireworks"
*end of flashback*
I smiled as I thought about the night of our first true kiss. It wasn't a dare, it just happened naturally. And after the kiss I could feel myself falling for him more. Neither of us acted on our feelings, too stubborn and scared to allow ourselves to fall in deep. My pictures with the boys were in the papers now after being snapped with them a few times. The boys would mention me on twitter which led to the fans being more curious. I was receiving mild hate which I brushed off. I understood how hard it is to be a fangirl. Liam and Louis made it clear in a recent tweet that I was just a friend who happened to be a fan. That eased the tension a little. I was surprised when I reached 200k followers and the directioners where curious to know what the boys were like first hand. I happily answered their questions and often posted pictures when they asked.
The weeks flew by and I found myself preparing for my exams. I still had another year in Uni, which meant I had to complete these exams to carry on my course. This will be my third year and then I'd be free to pursue my dream. I worked 6 days a week and the pay was good which meant i could save money. I texted and skyped the boys when they had the time. Niall would send me photos of them in a new place and Zayn would send me drawings he would do in his spare time. I asked him to design a tattoo for me which said "patience is a virtue" and he happily designed me something I instantly fell in love with. This would be my first tattoo and I was scared. Liam and Zayn promised to go with me to their favourite tattooist in manchester and hold my hand as I get my first tattoo.
"Don't worry Y/N, me and Zayn will be there for your first tattoo" I was face timing Liam and Zayn. "Thanks guys! How is everyone?" I said smiling ear to ear. "They're fine, just preparing for the concert tonight. Shouldn't you be revising or something?" Liam asked with his eyebrow raised. Liam truly was a big brother figure. "I've done for the day, just waiting for Harry's reply and then sleep" I said in content. "So you and Harry? How's things going?" Zayn asked with a cheeky grin. "Good, he's a good friend" I nodded my head trying to convince myself that he was just a 'friend'. I heard Liam and Zayn sigh "you don't give yourself any credit Y/N. we want you both to be happy and from our point of view, you both make each other happy" Liam stated.
Me and Harry spoke often, I missed him and when I read in the magazines about Harry and a girl, I couldn't help but break a little. I never expected to fall for someone so quick. Liam's words played in my mind, I really don't give my self enough credit.
It had been a month since I last saw the boys, and now I had a free weekend. Free of any revising and free of any plans. As I blasted my speakers in the living room, I made my way into the kitchen to make some morning coffee. I was wearing nothing but Niall's shirt. As I made my way into the living room, I turned around to see something I never expected to see... Shock took over my body as I screamed..

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