Chapter 27

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Your P.O.V
Day ten; that's today and things went from bad to worse. After happily getting ready and making my way to the radio station, I was greeted by a mob of paparazzi and directioners who had heard about the latest news of me working here. After the bosses at radio one had confirmed by permanent job at the station, it was widely announced on their twitter account and the responses received have mainly been negative, from the fans and the media. The flashing lights didn't bug me as much as the hurtful words that emitted from their lips in hope to provoke a reaction out of me and make me look like an even bigger villain. After last night on twitter I had promised myself not to go on for the rest of the week in hope that the hate would calm down again. However, although I may not be on the social networking site there were other ways the fans and media could get to me. I had been told by Harry that I should just take it on the chin and carry on, all they wanted was a new headline and I intended on following his advice.
"Are you really working here?"
"Is that why you're dating Harry?"
"You're a downgrade from his previous exes Y/N!!"
"Lose some weight Y/N! Maybe Harry would be around you more!"
"Do you want his fame and money?!"
I groaned internally as the crowd began creating a circle around me. I'd never had to face this before, even when I was with Harry I had the comfort of knowing his security team were around and he always held me close in his arms. The crowd was becoming too big and my breathing got heavier. The door was a couple feet away, I could make it. I know I could... I put my head down and pushed through the crowd in hope that no one will try and grab me.
I managed to take three steps before a firm hand grabbed my arm and dragged me the last few steps and closed the door behind us. My mind was racing and my breathing jagged. I couldn't cope with that every day! I finally looked to my right and saw my saviour watching me intently as my breathing steadied. Familiarity rang in my mind when I noticed who it was, and he wasn't alone. He had three other boys beside him all staring at me bewildered. Everyone else seemed to not take notice at the commotion outside; I guess this was an everyday thing for a radio station that has famous people walking in and out every day.
"You okay Y/N? Things got a bit crazy out there" Josh said as he watched me carefully. I offered him a smile but it was weak.
"A bit. Yeah" I mumbled under my breath. If that was 'a bit' I didn't want to experience 'a lot'.
"Aren't you going to introduce us Josh?" a boy with hair similar to Harry's asked although it was less on the curls and more sleeked to the side. I recognised each boy. I remember voting for them when they were on X Factor but I guess it would be polite for introductions instead of being a know it all.
"Oh yeah" Josh blushed slightly as he scratched the back of his neck. "Erm this is George, jaymi and JJ"
The grin on my face proved I already knew who they were and they grinned back knowing exactly who I was.
"Of course, any one would think I didn't own a telly Josh" I said in a mocking tone making his cheeks turn from a light pink to rosy red. The other three boys laughed at my humour and I did the same.
"Thanks for helping me out there. I never expected that big of a crowd" I said to Josh, truly grateful for his help as I gave him a warm hug. "And it's nice to meet you guys too" I added before giving each of them a hug too.
"Don't worry about it" Josh said with a smile. I nodded in gratitude and looked at the rest of the boys.
"What are you guys doing here anyway?" I asked with a huge smile. It was nice seeing more familiar faces.
"She's already starting with the interviews and she isn't a presenter yet" Jaymi joked and I stuck my tongue out at him. I guess it wasn't just the fans who had heard about the news then. George must have noticed the look of sadness on my face as he stepped in.
"You shouldn't let what they say ruin this opportunity for you Y/N" he said with a reassuring smile. The rest of the boys held the same warm smile and I couldn't help but smile and nod back at them.
"I wish I was interviewing you today, it could've been fun" I chirped up, finally letting go of the cruel words which were directed to me outside.
"Me too" Josh mumbled. I wondered if he wanted me to hear it or not.
A middle aged man walked up to the boys and told them it was time for their interview to promote their single being used in the new instalment of the Kick Ass movies. We said our goodbyes and they told me they'd get in contact soon. I wondered what they meant by soon. I was close to Liam and Zayn but even we went days without talking. I guess that was the downside of having such a busy schedule, for them and for the people on the receiving end of it. I can only imagine what their families go through.
Things became too much to handle at lunch time and by the time I had managed to get away from the crowd, it was time for me to complete the last stages of my internship. Harry, the boys and friends kept calling and texting to make sure I was okay with all the latest headlines and the cruel things people had been writing on twitter. After sending Harry a message, I switched my phone off. My eyes felt heavy and I didn't want to speak to anyone right now. There was a crowd outside the hotel I was currently staying in.
My head ache became worse from the lights and the loud shouting from paparazzi. I just hope they don't know what room I'm staying in. I told the receptionist at the desk to not tell anyone which room I was in and that I wasn't expecting any visitors. She was kind and understandable of my current situation and happily agreed to not allow anyone up.
When I was finally in the comfort of the hotel room I allowed sleep to take over my entirety. My eyes were heavy with sleep and I couldn't pull myself to remove my shoes or any other item of clothing. As my mind wandered in and out of sleep, I thought of all the possibilities I had in front of me and my current situation. I could carry on and pretend like none of this happened, but it would always be there... A burden in the back of my mind. When I say pretend like it didn't happen, I mean as far as meeting Harry and the boys, I mean never dating Harry, I mean never accepting this job role at Radio 1.
But I don't have the strength to let go of my dream and I certainly don't have the strength to forget someone I deeply love. Love... It's love right? When you would trade your happiness to see them smile. When you would take all the cruel words and obstacles thrown at you just to be in their arms. I couldn't just chuck away everything I have with Harry and I certainly can't forget the boys. The same boys that I call brothers, my four brothers and two who are my best friends. There had to be another way...
The harsh light from the sun woke me up the next morning. I had to set out on my long drive back to Manchester in an hour and I still hadn't packed.
After brushing my teeth and getting ready for the day, I switched my phone back on only to find hundreds of text messages and mentions on twitter. I quickly skimmed through all the texts and replying back to the relevant ones, leaving harry till last. From the messages I could tell he was worried. Not only about me but our relationship too. I wasn't ready to speak to him yet so I left him a message on voicemail knowing he was probably asleep right now.
"Hi babe, I'm just heading back to Manchester now so I won't be able to text or call while I'm on the road. I'm well don't worry, I hope you are too. tell the boys hey. Speak soon? Sweet dreams" is all I said before hanging up the phone.

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